2287: Quarry
In eight clues, cryptic indications omit reference to parts of answers; these parts must be highlighted, to reveal a word…
2286: B
The unclued lights are of a kind. Ignore one grave accent. Across 1 Hails a picador, awfully exciting…
2285: Characterful
Unclued lights are three groups of three words of a kind, each group relating differently to a theme word. This…
2284: Shocking!
Unclued lights consist of a quotation (in ODQ), its speaker and source, and a synonym (one hyphened) of each of…
2283: Be damned
The unclued lights (one of two words, one of three and-another of four components) are of a kind. Chambers gives…
2282: Timely
Clockwise round the grid from 21 runs a timely quotation (9,5,3,5,2,7,3,11,5) (in ODQ) followed by the initials of its author,…
2281: Fail
Each of eleven clues comprises a definition part and a hidden consecutive jumble of the answer including one extra letter;…
2280: Acorns
The unclued lights are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer. Ignore one apostrophe. Across 1 Top for one dining…
2279: Where it’s at II
Four pairs of unclued lights suggest the constituent parts of a name (two words). Elsewhere, ignore three accents. Across 1 …
2278: Will alterations
Across clues contain a definition and a jumble of the answer. In each row of the grid, a Shakespearean character…
2277: Royalty
Having solved the puzzle, solvers are required to highlight a 2×2 square which contains the four letters of the otherwise…
2276: Iron Man
Definitions in ten clues contain a misprint; corrections spell out a theme word. Unclued lights are four pairs of words…
2275: Frame of reference
Seven words read clockwise round the perimeter, in alphabetical order. Each of eighteen clues contains a misprinted letter in the…
2274: Round and round
The perimeter squares yield six theme-words in order, though any one of them can come first. The remaining unclued lights…
2273: Numbers
Clockwise round the perimeter from 3 run the titles of three items (1, 6, 3, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4,…
2272: Holiday time
In eight clues, cryptic -indications omit reference to parts of answers; these parts must be highlighted, to reveal two words.…
2271: I’m not here or there
All but one of the unclued lights can be preceded by the same word, large or small. Solvers are requested…
2270: Hard
Seven unclued lights (all real words) are names of 22 (hyphened) minus one letter. The missing letters give GROWN-UP. …
2269: Humiliation
Answers to clues in italics are to be subjected, before entry in the grid, to the treatment indicated by one…
2268: In state
The unclued lights (two of two words) are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer among other reference books. Elsewhere, ignore…
2267: Double-edged swords
One of the unclued entries (two words) defines the others (two of which are hyphened), which are all real words.…
2266: 587
Around the perimeter starting at one corner run two lines of a verse (ten words). Two unclued lights give the…
2265: Pouring
The unclued Across lights (two of two words) are of a kind, as are the unclued Down ones, all verifiable…
2263: Hurry
Each of twelve clues contains a misprinted letter in the definition part. Corrections of misprints spell a four-word phrase forming…
2262: Numbers game
The unclued Across lights are of one linguistic kind and the unclued Down lights are of another, all of which…