
2527: The main dilemma

9 October 2021 9:00 am

Three unclued lights together form an eight-word question from a well-known song. The song’s protagonist suggests the other five unclued…

2524: Spelean II - solution

9 October 2021 9:00 am

The quotation is ‘I DO WISH THOU WERT A [dog] THAT I MIGHT LOVE THEE SOMETHING’. The honest servant is…

Clerihews on scientists

9 October 2021 9:00 am

In Competition No. 3219, you were invited to supply clerihews on well-known scientists, past and present. The subject of the…

Chess sets

9 October 2021 9:00 am

Since tennis matches are decided in sets, they are sometimes won by the player who has won fewer games. For…

Dear Mary: Should I pay to charge my electric car at a friend’s house?

9 October 2021 9:00 am

Q. An acquaintance suggested organising a celebratory dinner in honour of some mutual friends. He asked my husband and me,…

In defence of panic buying

9 October 2021 9:00 am

The filling station on the road out of the village was like a scene from Mad Max. People were all…

Is this Greece’s finest wine since Homer strummed his lyre?

9 October 2021 9:00 am

We were in deepest Dorset, l’Angleterre profonde. The weather was also typically English: inundations followed by counter-attacks from the Indian…

Kiwi Life

2 October 2021 9:00 am

A crisis by design It is increasingly sad, so many New Zealanders saying they would leave – if they could…

Kiwi Language

2 October 2021 9:00 am

A tech company claims that anti-vax and anti-lockdown rallies have been ‘astroturfed’. Which means? Well, ‘AstroTurf’ was the world’s first…

In praise of bots

2 October 2021 9:00 am

British Gas finally agreed to service my boiler, for no reason I could make out other than the boiler wasn’t…

I miss life before Big Tech

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Do any of you remember the time when everything took place on the terraces and in outdoor cafés? Before everyone…

Bridge | 02 October 2021

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Online bridge has been a lifeline for many players these past 18 months. But not everyone wanted to try it.…

The making of a racehorse trainer

2 October 2021 9:00 am

My best fun, through ten years reporting European politics for CNN, was bumping around the Continent with sparky young producers…

The Manx Liberty Masters

2 October 2021 9:00 am

I sat on the plane to the Isle of Man, leafing through a copy of Nigel Short’s new book, Winning.…

Spectator competitions winners: W.S. Gilbert makes a ham sandwich

2 October 2021 9:00 am

In Competition No. 3218, you were invited to supply a recipe as it might have been written by the author…

2526: Everybody out!

2 October 2021 9:00 am

The unclued lights (individually or as two pairs), one of three words and three of two words, can be preceded…

No. 673

2 October 2021 9:00 am

White to play. This was a variation which could arise in the game R. Pert–M. Parligras, Manx Liberty Masters 2021.…

Sally Rooney on steroids

2 October 2021 9:00 am

To lessen the side effects of chemotherapy I am prescribed a corticosteroid. I take a whopping dose around the treatment…

2523: Monstrous regiment - solution

2 October 2021 9:00 am

The unclued Across lights can be preceded by MISS and the unclued Down lights. MRS 2/15D is the pair. First…

England’s shameful betrayal of Pakistan

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Any English person with a love of cricket knows life has its ups and downs. But until now we have…

The thrill of running late

2 October 2021 9:00 am

‘Dad, why is it that whenever we go anywhere, we’re always running to catch a train?’ asked Charlie, my 13-year-old.…

Dear Mary: How do I get rid of my terrible cleaner?

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Q. I have recently become a widow. Since my son is away at university, I had the idea of charging…

The real Greek: Lemonia reviewed

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Lemonia lives in the old Chalk Farm Tavern in Primrose Hill, which is better known as the set of Paddington.…

We are in a perfect storm of perfect storms

2 October 2021 9:00 am

When my husband’s whisky glass fell off the little table next to his chair on to next door’s cat, which…

The Battle for Britain | 2 October 2021

2 October 2021 9:00 am

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