No. 356
White to play. This position is a variation from Bronstein-Zilberstein, Tbilisi 1973. Bronstein has just given up a piece on…
A cemetery with cocktails: La Coupole and the spirit of the brasserie
La Coupole, Montparnasse, is the grandest and most famous of the old pre-war Parisian brasseries; that is, if you have…
The new Fowler still won’t grasp the nettle on ‘they’
I’ve been having a lovely time splashing about in the new Fowler. It has been revised by Jeremy Butterfield, an…
Battle for Britain
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From Russia with love
In the James Bond film From Russia with Love there is an evil mastermind named Kronsteen. The character is in…
No. 356
White to play. This position is a variation from Bronstein-Zilberstein, Tbilisi 1973. Bronstein has just given up a piece on…
In Competition No. 2891 you were invited to think of the most boring lecture topic possible and submit an extract…
Your problems solved
Q. Someone I was at university with but hadn’t seen much of over the ten years since invited me to…
A cemetery with cocktails
La Coupole, Montparnasse, is the grandest and most famous of the old pre-war Parisian brasseries; that is, if you have…
High life
End of season is always bittersweet, the melting snows a bit like autumn leaves. But the days are longer and…
I’ve been having a lovely time splashing about in the new Fowler. It has been revised by Jeremy Butterfield, an…
Can McIlroy become the magnificent seventh?
The grand slam in golf is a feat almost impossible to imagine now. It meant winning all four golfing majors…
Lefty myths about inequality
As a Tory, I’ve been thinking a lot about inequality recently. Has it really increased in the past five years?…
Lefty myths about inequality
As a Tory, I’ve been thinking a lot about inequality recently. Has it really increased in the past five years?…
The price of success
After listening to a violinist’s justification of his playing, Dr Samuel Johnson responded tartly: ‘Difficult do you call it, Sir?…
Make no mistake: the Top Gear brouhaha is cultural warfare
It’s a famous quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald, one that Elton John should ponder (when he’s not out shopping, that…
I gave the blasted Paltrow method a go and allowed a bit of conscious uncoupling to creep in
The builder boyfriend has a new girlfriend. I suppose he was bound to move on eventually. I just never thought…
Be different, be original: that’s what makes a popular politician
I sometimes try to imagine what it would be like being a political leader. I find this difficult because I…
The warrior arched his body, readying to sling his spear at my chest
Laikipia With a shriek, the warrior arched his body, readying to sling his spear at my chest. The tear-dropped javelin…
Janet de Botton and I decided to spice things up a bit at the Young Chelsea heat of the nationwide…
Caro can
The Caro-Kann Defence, 1 e4 c6, has always appealed to me. It has the advantage of staking a claim in…
No. 355
Black to play. This position is a variation from Ganguly-Vitiugov, Gibraltar 2014. The game started as a Caro-Kann and is…
End paper
In Competition No. 2890 you were invited to imagine that one of the major newspapers has ceased publication and provide…
2204: Security
In nine clues, cryptic indications omit reference to parts of answers; these parts must be highlighted, to reveal a definition…