2566: Somewhere XII
Somewhere in 23D 30 July is important. Remaining unclued lights (including two pairs and a trio) give the place’s capital…
Spectator competition winners: A Kentish Lad
In Competition No. 3259, you were invited to submit a poem entitled ‘A(n) [insert county of your choice] Lad’. There…
I’ve seen the future of motor racing, and it’s quiet
Are petrolheads’ days numbered? I only ask because having just been introduced to the quiet, petrol-less world of Formula E,…
My Icelandic holiday with Kevin and Perry
I’m currently on holiday in Iceland. I say ‘holiday’, but I’m with my three teenage sons so it’s more like…
2563: Areas for development - solution
As suggested by 11 across, the other unclued lights were anagrams of capital cities: 23A Nairobi, 25A Nassau, 29A Lima,…
The Battle for Britain | 30 July 2022
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No. 713
White to play and mate in two. Composed by Henri Rinck, La Strategie, 1892. Answers should be emailed to…
Dear Mary: How do I stop a mutual friend giving my contact details to a man I don’t like?
Q. Everyone was divine at a very jolly lunch I attended in the Cotswolds with the exception of one person,…
I’ve been bitten by the TikTok bug
In theory TikTok knows nothing about me. I have posted two videos: one of my grandsons kicking a football in…
How Monte Carlo went to hell
I now find resorts more fun out of season. Civilised tourists are as rare as an intelligent Hollywood movie, so…
There are almost no animals left – but we’ve been here before
Laikipia You know things are bad when the zebras are thin. Even during most droughts, zebras are like matrons at…
The Lycra louts are back
‘That will be £7.50 please,’ said the girl in the bakery to the cyclist in black Lycra after he put…
Bridge | 30 July 2022
The bridge world is coming back to life with a bang. The World Championships were held (live) in March, the…
Aussie life
Sport has always played a big part in Australian life, but in the interests of diversity it would be wrong…
No sooner had the words ‘blue murder’ appeared on the cover of this august journal than a Speccie reader was…
Dear Mary: How do we say no to a neighbour who wants to use our pool?
Q. I was billeted for a party in Norfolk with a couple previously unknown to me. They were more than…
The global elite and me
Here come the global elites. They love it here. Their spiritual second home. The heat, the rosé, the food, the…
The hidden benefit of an electric car
Hello, and welcome to episode one of What’s in My Frunk?, the first in an occasional Spectator series of news…
My brief career as a marijuana farmer
The latest heatwave reminded me of my brief career as a marijuana farmer. This wasn’t in the summer of 1976,…
Think pink: there’s no shame in quaffing rosé in England
In the battle of ideas, it is sometimes necessary to make a tactical withdrawal. That is now the case over…
The ever-shifting language of ‘culture wars’
‘Come on, old girl,’ said my husband as though encouraging a cow stuck in a ditch, ‘you must know.’ It…
In praise of Spectator readers
Michael Beloff, QC and past president of Trinity College Oxford, has just had his memoir reviewed in The Spectator, and…
Why farming needs Ben Wallace
My phone buzzed and rang while I was doing the horses until I thought, fine, I’ll call the Defence Secretary…
Bridge | 23 July 2022
I was very sorry to learn of the death of the legendary American player and author Eddie Kantar – he…
Horse racing’s invisible heroes
President George W. Bush used to quote his fellow Texan Robert Strauss who famously declared: ‘You can fool some of…