Ancient and modern

Augustus vs Jeremy Corbyn

8 October 2016 9:00 am

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected leader of the Labour party not by MPs but by his teenage ‘fans’ in Momentum.…

Augustus vs Jeremy Corbyn

6 October 2016 2:00 pm

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected leader of the Labour party not by MPs but by his teenage ‘fans’ in Momentum.…

Let the right ones in

1 October 2016 9:00 am

As the UK prepares for Brexit into the big wide world outside, it has been pointed out that the Foreign…

Let the right ones in

29 September 2016 1:00 pm

As the UK prepares for Brexit into the big wide world outside, it has been pointed out that the Foreign…

Pericles vs Juncker

24 September 2016 9:00 am

The hopelessness of the EU is well demonstrated by the current rhetoric issuing from its inner chambers: that Britain must…

Pericles vs Juncker

22 September 2016 1:00 pm

The hopelessness of the EU is well demonstrated by the current rhetoric issuing from its inner chambers: that Britain must…

Plato on grammar schools

17 September 2016 9:00 am

Theresa May wants to use grammar schools to create a meritocratic, ‘socially mobile’ society at a cost of £50 million.…

Plato on grammar schools

15 September 2016 1:00 pm

Theresa May wants to use grammar schools to create a meritocratic, ‘socially mobile’ society at a cost of £50 million.…

Aristotle on Brexit voters

10 September 2016 9:00 am

It comes as no surprise to find that there has recently been much talk among Brexit supporters about ‘the wisdom…

Aristotle on Brexit voters

8 September 2016 1:00 pm

It comes as no surprise to find that there has recently been much talk among Brexit supporters about ‘the wisdom…

Nero’s scandalous spads

27 August 2016 9:00 am

Theresa May has brought her own advisers with her into No. 10, and as usual the knives are out for…

Nero’s scandalous spads

25 August 2016 1:00 pm

Theresa May has brought her own advisers with her into No. 10, and as usual the knives are out for…

Above the law

20 August 2016 9:00 am

Because no country can interfere in another’s legal system, there is little the UK can do to help the six…

Above the law

18 August 2016 1:00 pm

Because no country can interfere in another’s legal system, there is little the UK can do to help the six…

Rome’s border policy

12 August 2016 11:00 pm

Whether the EU commission knows what is good for it or not — always a tricky call — post-Brexit Britain…

Rome’s border policy

11 August 2016 1:00 pm

Whether the EU commission knows what is good for it or not — always a tricky call — post-Brexit Britain…

How Olympia beat the cheats

6 August 2016 9:00 am

What to do about today’s Olympic drug cheats? Since ancient Greeks did not do chemistry, drugs were not a problem.…

How Olympia beat the cheats

4 August 2016 1:00 pm

What to do about today’s Olympic drug cheats? Since ancient Greeks did not do chemistry, drugs were not a problem.…

Corbyn’s shadow puppets

30 July 2016 9:00 am

Wrapped in his fantasy world of a Labour party ruling the country in accordance with the diktats of those of…

Corbyn’s shadow puppets

28 July 2016 1:00 pm

Wrapped in his fantasy world of a Labour party ruling the country in accordance with the diktats of those of…

Sophocles vs the luvvie Remainers

23 July 2016 9:00 am

Is the Labour leadership hopeful Owen Smith, who longs to reverse the obviously undemocratic outcome of the recent referendum, aware…

Sophocles vs the luvvie Remainers

21 July 2016 1:00 pm

Is the Labour leadership hopeful Owen Smith, who longs to reverse the obviously undemocratic outcome of the recent referendum, aware…

Themistocles vs Tony Blair

16 July 2016 9:00 am

Tony Blair has excused himself for the Iraq war by saying that he did what he believed was right. But…

Themistocles vs Tony Blair

14 July 2016 1:00 pm

Tony Blair has excused himself for the Iraq war by saying that he did what he believed was right. But…

Jeremy Corbyn and the oracle

9 July 2016 9:00 am

Inscribed in the forecourt of the temple of Apollo in Delphi were the famous words gnôthi sauton (‘know yourself’) and…