Australian letters
Russian meddling Sir: Please help me out here: just what, exactly, did the Russians do, and/or try to do to…
Letters: Matthew Parris’s marriage proposal is absurd
Marriage proposal Sir: Matthew Parris’s proposal that marriage be abolished, and civil partnerships installed in its place, is absurd (‘The…
Carmakers holding back investment in Britain is not just about Brexit
Technical issues Sir: Martin Vander Weyer’s supposition that car manufacturers are holding back investment due to Brexit seems to be…
Letters: Judging students by achievement is a greater scourge than diversity at any cost
Harvard’s racial quotas Sir: While I largely agree with Coleman Hughes that racial quotas are counterproductive (‘The diversity trap’, 23 June),…
Letters: Being treated as a ‘disabled writer’ would be an affront
Song of myself Sir: As a disabled writer, I thoroughly despise the idea of being the beneficiary of a publisher’s…
Australian letters
Spoilt children Sir: Re: Queens Birthday A message to the Australian Labor Party from the ordinary, decent people of this…
Why the government won’t dare to attempt reform of the abortion law
A debate that won’t happen Sir: ‘Westminster is overdue an abortion debate’ (Leading article, June 2). Yes, but there is…
Letters: An extra 3 per cent won’t fix the NHS
What the NHS needs Sir: James Forsyth and Fraser Nelson are right (‘The great Tory health splurge,’ 26 May): an…
Letters: Rod Liddle is wrong. I saw children shot dead in Gaza
Desperation in Gaza Sir: I must respond to Rod Liddle’s opinion on Gaza (‘Why this deluded affection for the Palestinians?’,…
Letters: My Iranian friends hate the mullahs and want them to be got rid of
Iran’s hated regime Sir: I disagree with the analysis of Christopher de Bellaigue (‘Trump’s folly’, 12 May). The Iranians I know,…
Letters: Capitalism’s merits are debatable when it comes to public services
Where capitalism fails Sir: James Delingpole is right, of course, to extol the virtues of capitalism (‘We don’t deserve capitalism’,…
Letters: Rod Liddle is right, Toby Young is wrong and Bruce Anderson must stop
Campaign for real cricket Sir: Geoffrey Wheatcroft’s splendid article ‘Cricket, unlovely cricket’ (28 April) remonstrated against the threat to Test…
Letters: When did nationalists lose their sense of humour?
Resetting Brexit Sir: I agree with Fraser Nelson’s article ‘Brexit blunders’ (21 April). I am a Leaver, but immigration did…
The Church of England must be robust with its snowflake congregants
Sit the snowflakes down Sir: I was surprised to read Theo Hobson’s article about ‘snowflake’ Christians in the C of…
Letters: Why I’ll never fly ‘puerile’ Virgin again
For the many not the few Sir: As is clear from the last paragraph of your leading article (7 April), the…
Letters: the very belief that poorer pupils do less well is what limits them
Self-limiting beliefs Sir: As someone who spent much of his working life teaching at Eton and Harrow, it was amusing…
Australian letters
Dark days Sir: David Dilley (Letters, 17 March) suggests ‘co-operation between local communities and enlightened landowners’ might assist in the…
Australian letters
Rocky road Sir: Piers Ackerman is either indulging in a piece of tabloid provocation or he is on the rocky…
Sorry Rod Liddle, we may not want more immigrants but we still need them
Growing our own Sir: Rod Liddle is clearly right that ‘the people of Europe do not want any more immigration…
Australian letters
The point of Cory? Sir: I am a paid up member of the Australian Conservatives. Sadly, I suspect the good…
Australian letters
Sterner stuff Sir: I refer to Mark Higgie’s article in The Spectator Australia last week. I served with DFAT for…
Australian letters
Love is love Sir: What total hypocrisy: the words attacking Barnaby Joyce from the same people who argued we must…
Letters: the militant suffragettes set back their own cause
Suffragette setbacks Sir: Jane Ridley (‘Women on the warpath’, Books, 10 February) claims that Millicent Fawcett and her suffragists had ‘got nowhere’…
Letters: Leave Theresa May alone – she’s doing her best
Stop knocking May Sir: I find this knocking of Theresa May increasingly depressing (‘Theresa’s choice’, 3 February). She has a terrible job…
Australian letters
Onward Christian soldiers? Sir: Hal Colebatch contemplates the revival of the religious military orders to protect Christianity from the attacks…