

2 November 2013 9:00 am

Not fair on cops Sir: Nick Cohen (‘PCs gone mad’, 26 October) claims that the police are deliberately attacking the press…

Letters to the Editor

26 October 2013 9:00 am

Ridley’s wrong Sir: In last week’s issue the former Northern Rock chairman rejoiced in the ‘good news’ that climate change…


19 October 2013 9:00 am

A fat lot of good Sir: Max Pemberton is right that obesity is a terrible problem in western society (‘The…

Letters: Nurses reply to Mary Dejevsky, and Iggy Pop’s sherry habit

12 October 2013 9:00 am

Nursing standards Sir: I share Mary Dejevsky’s concern regarding the impact of tired, overworked nurses on the quality of patient…

Letters: On quitting Facebook, and putting down Nigel

28 September 2013 9:00 am

Why we joined Sir: I was astonished by the assertion made by Wyn Grant (Letters, 21 September) that ‘the postwar…

Letters: Alan Sked on party politics, and how to win a pony show

21 September 2013 9:00 am

Party politics Sir: I don’t think it is true that I would be unhappy in any party, as Ross Clark…


14 September 2013 9:00 am

Tories and Italians Sir: Roger Scruton must be laughing, or more likely crying, to hear his Meaning of Conservatism described…

Letters: The Syria debate, plus Giles Milton on Andro Linklater

7 September 2013 9:00 am

Syrian matters Sir: Though Syria (Leading article, 31 August) is certainly no laughing matter, the turmoil prevailing over a ‘punitive…

Letters: Peter Hitchens vs Nick Cohen, and the case against the middle class

31 August 2013 9:00 am

Piggies in the middle Sir: Your feature ‘The strange death of the middle class’ (24 August) assumes that young people…

Letters: GPs reply to J. Merion Thomas

24 August 2013 9:00 am

Some doctors write Sir: Professor Meirion Thomas (‘Dangerous medicine’, 17 August) may be an excellent surgeon but he is uninformed…

Letters: James Whitaker’s widow answers Toby Young

17 August 2013 9:00 am

Absent friends Sir: Alec Marsh (‘Welcome to Big Venice’, 10 August) accurately observes that Londoners are priced out of central…

Letters: David Gower defends bats

10 August 2013 9:00 am

In defence of bats Sir: I am saddened by the ‘us versus them’ stance taken by Melissa Kite (‘Bats vs…

Letters: How IQ is handed down

3 August 2013 9:00 am

IQ and social mobility Sir: It seems not to have occurred to our leaders that ability is not evenly distributed…

Letters: The EU diplomats hit back at Norman Lamont

27 July 2013 9:00 am

EU diplomacy Sir: Lord Lamont’s article ‘The EU’s scandalous new army of overpaid diplomats’ (Politics, 20 July) revisits his oft-repeated…

Letters: The Met Office answers Rupert Darwall, and a defence of Bolívar

20 July 2013 9:00 am

Wild weather Sir: Weather and climate science is not an emotional or political issue — even though emotions and politics run…

Letters: MPs’ salaries, Ruby the Heartstealer, and how to avoid washing up

13 July 2013 9:00 am

Tax breaks for families Sir: Hugo Rifkind is wrong to imply (6 July) that the current income tax system is indifferent…

Letters: Sir Peter Lampl replies to Charles Moore, and the memories of a wasteful GP

6 July 2013 9:00 am

Medical waste Sir: Susan Hill’s article (‘Patient, heal thyself’, 29 June) dealt only with the unnecessary visits to GPs for…