
Has the next cold war been put on hold?

15 November 2022 4:22 am

The Biden-Xi meeting at the G20 seems to have been relatively productive, and has at least improved the lines of…

The sad decline of the London stock market

15 November 2022 3:28 am

There is plenty for anyone in Paris to feel smug about if they happen to look across to the other…

Ukraine’s huge victory in Kherson

15 November 2022 1:36 am

Less than two months ago, Putin declared four occupied regions of Ukraine as part of Russia. Some speculated that Moscow…

We can blame Mitch McConnell, too

15 November 2022 12:52 am

So now it’s time to figure out who to blame. The post-election spin from the world of Mitch McConnell is…

Time for the GOP to call out Democrats’ primaries meddling

15 November 2022 12:02 am

If there is one lesson the Republican Party needs to learn from this year’s elections, it is that fringe politics…

Matt Hancock has united Britain

14 November 2022 11:54 pm

Some people deal with failure better than others. Matt Hancock, it seems, has spent the past three years trying to…

The Istanbul bombing will deepen Turkey’s rift with the West

14 November 2022 11:39 pm

Istiklal Avenue is a picture of chaos at the best of times. Istanbul’s answer to Oxford Street, the bustling pedestrian…

Only the EU can solve the Channel migrants crisis

14 November 2022 9:42 pm

Rishi Sunak’s remarks about curbing illegal Channel immigration are certainly bullish, but whether he translates words into action will make…

Would the real Matt Hancock please sit down?

14 November 2022 8:10 pm

‘Politics,’ as the old quip has it, ‘is showbusiness for ugly people.’ That quote was minted in the good old…

Dumping Trump could backfire for the Republicans

14 November 2022 7:02 pm

The walls are closing in on Donald Trump. Again. But this time it’s different. Again. In the wake of the…

Will the pill pushers ever pay for their misdeeds?

14 November 2022 1:02 pm

More than two decades into America’s catastrophic opioid epidemic, the demographics of this unprecedented tragedy are clear. By far, the…

Jumpy conservative media are playing into Trump’s hands

14 November 2022 12:42 pm

The walls are closing in on Donald Trump. Again. But this time it’s different. Again. In the wake of the…

Rebel Wilson and the problem with surrogacy

14 November 2022 5:33 am

When the Australian actor Rebel Wilson announced the birth of her daughter Royce Lillian, she added the small detail that…

We must protect freedom to protest, even for those we despise

13 November 2022 8:30 pm

One of the trickiest challenges of being in politics is defending the rights of those we disagree with vehemently. That dilemma has…

Is this the beginning of the end for Jacinda Ardern?

13 November 2022 7:30 pm

Many people envisage Jacinda Ardern’s 2017 electoral victory as a romp, a 1997 Tony Blair-esque sea change of optimism. In…

Is Nixon the most misunderstood president in history?

13 November 2022 6:30 pm

Has the reputation of any American statesman been more effectively trashed than that of Richard Milhous Nixon? Donald Trump’s, perhaps…

The sinister attempts to ‘decolonise’ mathematics

13 November 2022 5:30 pm

Mathematicians in British universities are now being asked to ‘decolonise’ the curriculum. This autumn, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher…

Why Remembrance is a privilege as much as a duty

13 November 2022 5:00 pm

It was exceptionally cold, that strange Armistice day. I was used to spending the two minutes silence squinting into the…

Kevin McCarthy’s Faustian bargain

13 November 2022 1:09 pm

If the returns from Tuesday are any indication, most American voters are breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks to split-ticketing,…

The SNP’s misinformation campaign on Scottish renewables

13 November 2022 12:48 am

SNP MP Stephen Flynn was emphatic when he used a certain statistic in Parliament last month: ‘Scotland’s potential in this…

The Christian nationalism boogeyman

13 November 2022 12:35 am

Which of the zillion prophesied crises will engulf America next? At the moment, the most chattered-about is a “second civil…

Just how low can our political class sink?

12 November 2022 9:41 pm

Observe, this dark weekend, a contrast. On Whitehall, the centre of British government, the Royal Family and leaders of our…

Meet the British soldiers fighting in Ukraine

12 November 2022 8:18 pm

At his base near the frontlines outside of Kherson, an ex-British soldier named JK shows me a video of what…

Don’t write off the Russian air force

12 November 2022 7:08 pm

The Russian air force’s  failure to establish air superiority over Ukraine – and the consequent inability of its fighter and bomber aircraft…

The rise of the celebrity oversharer 

12 November 2022 4:00 pm

Bella Hadid ate burritos today, in case anyone was wondering. Kourtney Kardashian had a smoothie and Paris Hilton had a…