
A Boris Johnson comeback is ridiculous – but not impossible

8 October 2022 5:15 pm

It would obviously be ridiculous for the Conservatives to dump Liz Truss after just a few weeks and seek to re-install…

War of words: a history of Ukraine's language debate

8 October 2022 5:00 pm

It’s not often that ex-KGB officers blame Lenin for anything. But in his speech of 21 February 2022, on the…

The Woman King's flawed history lesson

8 October 2022 4:30 pm

As a general rule, it’s worth remembering that Hollywood is in the business of mythologising, rather than retelling history. The…

What Elon Musk doesn't get about peace

8 October 2022 2:58 am

The power one person can hold should never be underestimated. They can take people’s lives, as Vladimir Putin does, or…

Opec will regret taking on the US

8 October 2022 1:47 am

Production will be cut. Supplies to the rest of the world will be curbed. And inflation will rise just a…

'Real feminist' Nicola Sturgeon hits back at JK Rowling

7 October 2022 11:40 pm

JK Rowling is a feminist idol for lots of women. After the break-up of her marriage, Rowling became a single…

Truss is foolish to block Rees Mogg's energy saving campaign

7 October 2022 9:48 pm

When you have defined yourself against the nanny state and scorned the idea of limiting supermarket ‘two for one’ offers,…

Biden is playing politics with his marijuana pardons

7 October 2022 9:14 pm

In a somewhat shocking turn of events, president Biden has pardoned all people with federal convictions for simple marijuana possession…

Putin at 70: How The Spectator has covered his life

7 October 2022 8:00 pm

Vladimir Putin turns 70 today. Since he became Prime Minister of Russia in 1999, some of The Spectator’s greatest contributors…

Liz Truss's fate rests with the Bank of England

7 October 2022 7:17 pm

James Carville, an ostentatiously aggressive adviser to Bill Clinton, once said that when he died, he wanted to be reincarnated…

How likely are the lights to go out this winter?

7 October 2022 2:09 am

Britain will make it through the winter without the lights going out. That’s the view of the National Grid, which is…

Paris’s football World Cup boycott will achieve little

6 October 2022 11:49 pm

Several French cities have announced that they will be boycotting the upcoming World Cup in protest against the Qatari state’s…

Oil giants aren’t government cash cows

6 October 2022 10:30 pm

According to Labour, solving the energy crisis is really very simple. Rather than funding an energy price cap through borrowing, as…

Many Europeans continue to yearn for British leadership

6 October 2022 8:08 pm

Liz Truss’s mind was probably elsewhere when she arrived in Prague for the inaugural summit of the European Political Community (EPC)…

Iran's leaders are fighting a losing battle

6 October 2022 8:00 pm

Iran’s rulers are holding firm. The country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini has expressed sorrow at the killing of Mahsa Amini…

Opec's oil cut spells more bad news for Brits

6 October 2022 7:17 pm

Liz Truss joins other European leaders in Prague today at the first meeting of the European Political Community. Truss’s presence…

Britain’s shameful appeasement of Iran

6 October 2022 6:32 pm

France took some flak from Britain earlier this year for its perceived reluctance to rally to Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.…

Is Liz Truss a real grown-up?

6 October 2022 1:30 am

Tough call today for Liz Truss. She had to relaunch her premiership at her very first conference as leader. She…

Liz Truss's cliché-ridden speech was saved by Greenpeace

5 October 2022 11:38 pm

Liz Truss has, if nothing else, been working on her delivery. Her first speech to conference as Prime Minister was…

Watch: Liz Truss's speech disrupted by climate activists

5 October 2022 9:19 pm

Liz Truss’s Conservative party conference speech has been disrupted by climate protesters. The demonstrators stood up during the Prime Minister’s address…

Full text: Liz Truss's Tory conference speech

5 October 2022 9:12 pm

My friends, it’s great to be here with you in Birmingham. It’s fantastic to see the cranes across the skyline building…

The Conservatives know they are beat

5 October 2022 8:14 pm

The mood at the Tory conference is grim to funereal, and for good reason. They know they’re beat. There’s a…

Meghan makes it all about herself, again

5 October 2022 7:37 pm

Since the Queen’s death last month, the Duchess of Sussex has found it hard to maintain her usual vice-like grip…

Scrapping inheritance tax is a terrible idea

5 October 2022 1:10 am

There is no hole deep enough that a Conservative minister cannot muster the spadework to excavate it to even greater…

Why did North Korea fire a missile over Japan?

5 October 2022 1:09 am

It was a new dawn, a new day, and a new North Korean missile test. The land of the morning…