
Revealed: Labour's tactics to deal with Truss

6 September 2022 6:14 am

Keir Starmer tonight told the weekly parliamentary Labour party meeting that ‘we will never underestimate Liz Truss’. The Labour leader…

Priti Patel resigns. Will she cause trouble for Liz Truss?

6 September 2022 3:05 am

Priti Patel has announced she is standing down as Home Secretary and returning to the backbenches ahead of an expected…

The problems of mid-term PMs

6 September 2022 1:18 am

Any Prime Minister who takes over mid-term has to contend with a certain set of problems. Liz Truss will wish…

Can Liz Truss deliver, deliver, deliver?

6 September 2022 12:50 am

What does deliver, deliver, deliver mean? Liz Truss had it as her payoff on accepting the leadership of the Conservative…

The case against a snap election

6 September 2022 12:32 am

Unless Her Majesty throws us all a curveball, Liz Truss will be the next prime minister. So let’s knock something…

Are the markets scared of Liz Truss?

6 September 2022 12:02 am

Look at the chart for interest rate expectations in isolation, and you might come to the conclusion that Rishi Sunak…

This week will define Liz Truss’s premiership

5 September 2022 10:55 pm

This lunchtime Liz Truss has been announced as the new leader of the Conservative party. After a contest that spanned…

Joe Lycett isn't funny – or brave

5 September 2022 10:33 pm

Can we all take a moment to marvel at the courage of Joe Lycett? Imagine the cojones it must take…

Ten graphs that Liz Truss can't ignore

5 September 2022 9:59 pm

The new Prime Minister’s honeymoon starts and ends today. Once Liz Truss formally enters Downing Street tomorrow she will be…

Liz Truss wins. What next?

5 September 2022 9:50 pm

Liz Truss’s victory in the Tory leadership race was based on her ability to portray herself as the candidate for both…

Liz Truss triumphs in Tory leadership race

5 September 2022 9:39 pm

Liz Truss has won the race to become Tory leader and Britain’s new Prime Minister. Truss, who was the runaway…

Liz Truss doesn't frighten Labour

5 September 2022 8:35 pm

Labour will attack the new prime minister from the left and the right. From Liz Truss’ exposed left flank, Labour…

Will Liz Truss kill levelling up?

5 September 2022 7:40 pm

Levelling up is probably not even in the top tier of Liz Truss’s intray for this week, given the pressure…

How Liz Truss can solve the energy crisis

5 September 2022 7:21 pm

It will be expensive. It will last far longer than anyone expects. And it will distort the market even more…

Is Liz Truss a Tory Jeremy Corbyn?

5 September 2022 6:49 pm

Many years ago, when the earth was young and leaving the European Union was a position espoused only by those…

Putin's energy war has changed Germany's relations with Russia for good

5 September 2022 5:57 pm

After months of speculation and handwringing, it has finally happened: Germany and the rest of Europe are now receiving no…

Liz Truss will come to regret her 'bonfire' of workers' rights

5 September 2022 5:12 pm

Liz Truss is right about sex and gender. But if she is to get the country through the next winter…

The EU is hoping to catch Liz Truss on the backfoot over Brexit

5 September 2022 5:01 pm

A vital part of gamesmanship, according to the British author Stephen Potter, is to disconcert your opponent before they have joined…

The strange effort to ‘decolonize’ global health

5 September 2022 12:08 pm

“Global health” has emerged in the last decade or so as one of the growth areas in the medical and…

Is it time to defund the humanities?

4 September 2022 7:00 pm

Much of the cost of running our universities and other centres of higher education is borne by government, meaning the…

Only an ‘un-conservative’ measure can solve the energy crisis

4 September 2022 5:46 pm

The UK economy has so far held up reasonably well in the face of the rise in energy prices. But…

Beer and loathing: Why Russians loved and hated Gorbachev

4 September 2022 5:03 pm

A paradox about Mikhail Gorbachev for my generation of Russians – I was seven years old when he became general…

Why Poland wants Germany to pay war reparations

4 September 2022 5:00 pm

Poland commemorated the 83rd anniversary of its invasion by Nazi Germany this week. To mark the occasion the leader of…

Will Liz Truss's Tory party practice what it preaches?

4 September 2022 4:30 pm

The Tory party is very good at pointing out — and profiting from — how the Labour party often values…

Will Chad become Africa’s next warzone?

4 September 2022 4:30 pm

If you went to Doha this summer, you may have seen some militiamen from Chad. Perhaps at breakfast. For the…