
How long until we tire of Boris?

11 January 2022 10:50 pm

The brilliant but troubled footballer Mario Balotelli once scored a goal in a Manchester derby match and then lifted up…

The unfathomable inadequacy of Boris Johnson

11 January 2022 10:20 pm

There is no room for wriggling here and not just because multiple witnesses put Boris Johnson and his wife at…

Was the Kazakhstan uprising an attempted Jihadi takeover?

11 January 2022 8:15 pm

The Kazakh uprising is over. The stench of burnt-out vehicles and bombed out buildings in Kazakhstan’s most populous city and…

E.O. Wilson and the climate cult

11 January 2022 7:45 pm

Famed ant specialist and sociobiologist E.O. Wilson passed away on December 26, age ninety-two. He came to national attention in 1975 with the…

Will Marion Maréchal-Le Pen join Éric Zemmour’s campaign?

11 January 2022 7:10 pm

Is Marion Maréchal, granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and niece of Marine, about to emerge from political retirement to support…

Covid and the rise of the Zoom class

11 January 2022 4:11 am

On November 6, 2021, the California petroleum heiress Ivy Getty married the photographer Tobias Engel at San Francisco City Hall.…

What does Neville Chamberlain have in common with Brexiteers?

11 January 2022 1:10 am

The false notes in Netflix’s adaptation of Robert Harris’s Munich come in the final scenes. Jeremy Irons, who has been…

Macron's anti-vaxxer bashing will backfire in France's 'lost territories'

10 January 2022 11:22 pm

Who are the ten per cent of the French population that Emmanuel Macron wishes to ’emmerder’ or, as we say…

We should be thankful for the Sackler family's philanthropy

10 January 2022 9:20 pm

When the whole opioid crisis blew up, the Sackler family — whose fortune was substantially built on getting thousands of…

Johnson's critics are circling once again

10 January 2022 7:50 pm

As Boris Johnson feels he has been vindicated in his resistance to new Covid restrictions, Downing Street had hoped that…

Will the Queen get her just desserts?

10 January 2022 6:30 pm

Victoria sponge, cherries jubilee and coronation chicken: a trio of Britain’s best loved foods, all of which share a monarchical theme. Each of…

Antony Blinken’s soundtrack to failure

10 January 2022 2:37 pm

Antony Blinken, the secretary of state and first guitarist, has broken with the tired protocols of the past, faced the…

What was Ted Cruz thinking?

10 January 2022 12:41 am

At least since the 2016 election, one of my favorites politicians — one of the few I could stomach at…

The EU rules creating an armada of empty ‘ghost flights’

9 January 2022 7:00 pm

This week it was reported that Lufthansa Group – which also owns Brussels Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Eurowings and Swiss International…

Covid has made America more divided than ever

8 January 2022 10:40 pm

I knew when I boarded the plane home to America on Boxing Day that I was heading to an unhappy…

Goodbye Bill de Blasio, New York-hating communist

8 January 2022 9:20 pm

At the stroke of midnight on January 1, Bill de Blasio — New York’s bumbling, mildly sinister but profoundly incompetent…

America is in a state of mass formation paralysis

8 January 2022 8:40 pm

Unless you happen to live under a rock, this week you became aware of Dr. Robert Malone. He’s a virologist…

The Pope is right: it is selfish to choose pets over children

8 January 2022 7:00 pm

Well, we’ve been terrifically amused and amusing at the expense of Pope Francis, who this week declared at a Vatican…

Welcome to the end of democracy

8 January 2022 6:00 pm

We bemoan autocracies in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and China but largely ignore the more subtle authoritarian…

Masks in schools: how convincing is the government's evidence?

8 January 2022 6:00 pm

Why has the government changed its mind and asked children to wear masks in school? When Plan B was announced…

Why is Bilbo Baggins a fascist favourite?

8 January 2022 6:00 pm

If you were asked to think of a perfect fascist, never in a month of Sundays would you suggest Bilbo Baggins…

Will universities declare their China funding?

8 January 2022 3:50 am

Britain’s leading universities are just one sector having to grapple with the recent decline in UK-China relations. Barely six years…

The energy crisis is a failure of politics

8 January 2022 2:35 am

Many of the thorniest problems of politics come down to the same thing: timeframes. Big problems generally require solutions that…

Get ready to start paying the cost of Covid

8 January 2022 1:40 am

Forget the desirability (or lack thereof) of tax hikes: can Britain survive them? That’s the economic question that kicked off…

I stand with Novak Djokovic

8 January 2022 12:22 am

Is anyone else alarmed by the widespread glee at the way Novak Djokovic has been treated by the Aussies? The…