
Was Labour conference a success for Starmer?

30 September 2021 6:20 pm

There is relief in the opposition leader’s office this morning following a broadly warm reception to Keir Starmer’s speech at…

Congress’s defense budget is pure madness

30 September 2021 4:40 pm

The United States Congress is divided on pretty much everything these days. But there is one agenda item that traditionally…

The green movement flirts with violent sabotage

30 September 2021 3:49 pm

‘What actions are you recommending for the pro-life movement?’ the New Yorker Radio Hour host asks his guest, a tenured…

It’s time for James Bond to die

30 September 2021 9:09 am

I saw the new James Bond last night, but after reading today’s reviews I’m not sure I watched the same…

Joe Biden’s presidency is unravelling

30 September 2021 8:01 am

Joe Biden’s presidency appears to be unravelling at remarkable speed. Back in January, in the days after his inauguration, Biden…

Labour’s bid to lose the next election has begun

30 September 2021 7:22 am

Sir Keir stamped the Labour conference with his personality today. And the mark he left was very bland, vague and…

How Muslim are the Taliban?

30 September 2021 6:53 am

I first met Haji Mir, a tribal elder from Helmand, in Herat in western Afghanistan in 2002, not long after…

The BBC is being left behind in blockbuster Britain

29 September 2021 11:00 pm

There’s a great revival under way inthe British TV and film industry,but it’s not the BBC that’s behind it.Netflix is…

Did the music industry enable R. Kelly?

29 September 2021 8:30 pm

As Harvey Weinstein was to film, so Robert ‘R.’ Kelly has been to the music industry. An energetic and profligate…

Labour’s Scottish problem isn’t going away

29 September 2021 8:11 pm

Certain questions are eternal and many of them are correspondingly dreary too. ‘How should Labour deal with the SNP?’ and…

No Time to Die is a compelling mess

29 September 2021 7:15 pm

Times being what they are, James Bond can no longer just be the main character in the Bond films. He’s…

Why Biden is hiding

29 September 2021 5:17 pm

Have you seen the new variation on the children’s book series Where’s Waldo? It’s called Where’s Joe? and it is taking DC…

Are we in a pandemic or not?

29 September 2021 3:42 pm

No one has done more to undermine the Biden administration’s vaccination strategy than Joe Biden. From his confusion over when…

Exclusive: Republicans condemn Biden’s role in anti-white conference

29 September 2021 2:08 pm

Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Matt Gaetz are rebuking President Joe Biden for his participation in a conference that elevated…

First responders: from heroes to zeroes

29 September 2021 2:01 pm

At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, first responders were the toast of the town. Most of us appreciated that…

Republicans’ fiscal responsibility theater

29 September 2021 12:02 pm

If you think Washington couldn’t get any more dysfunctional, think again. On Monday night, Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic attempt…

Eric Zemmour is eating Marine Le Pen alive

29 September 2021 8:59 am

French opinion polls are best taken with a generous bucket of sel de Guérande but this evening’s drop of a…

How the far left killed itself

29 September 2021 7:22 am

The Labour right is as happy as I have seen it in a decade. It thinks it has its party…

Von der Leyen is the real winner of the German elections

29 September 2021 5:00 am

The bald guy who leads the Social Democrats. The earnest looking Green lady. Or perhaps the guy in the charcoal-grey…

No, America couldn’t have been Canada

29 September 2021 4:56 am

What if William Howe, the dithering British commander, hadn’t let the American army escape in the Battle of Long Island…

The trouble with 'Angiemania'

29 September 2021 2:39 am

The most annoying thing about Angela Rayner’s branding of the Tories as ‘scum’ was not that it offended some Tories,…

The problem with having a woke prison service

29 September 2021 1:18 am

The new Justice Secretary Dominic Raab has said in the past that he wants prison to be ‘unpleasant.’ To that…

The Manchester refugee charity representing the best of British

29 September 2021 12:22 am

In October The Spectator will be heading to Manchester for Conservative party conference for the first time in two years,…

Labour in terf war as Rayner slaps down Duffield

29 September 2021 12:20 am

Whether it’s scum-gate, party democracy, membership expulsions or the minimum wage you’d think Labour had had enough splits this conference.…

Starmer is missing a major trick

28 September 2021 10:50 pm

Labour’s party conference slogan is ‘stronger future together’. It’s sufficiently anodyne that despite it being emblazoned all over a massive…