
Ben Shapiro's battle with Hollywood

8 March 2021 5:00 pm

The sacking of Gina Carano is still creating waves in Hollywood. The martial artist turned movie actress was dropped from…

The danger of mocking Nigel Farage

8 March 2021 1:29 am

He’s gone. Again. Even casual watchers of UK politics will be used to Nigel Farage quitting…and then returning.But this time,…

Is it time to measure Covid differently?

8 March 2021 12:24 am

According to government figures the toll of Covid 19 so far has been 124,419 deaths (if you define a Covid…

Why Edinburgh’s Adam Smith statue should stay

7 March 2021 10:05 pm

In the wake of the Black Lives Matters protests last year, Edinburgh Council announced the creation of the ‘Slavery and…

What the Pope's visit means for Iraq

7 March 2021 7:01 pm

You could be forgiven for taking a cynical view of Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq this weekend. How could the…

Fake views: the problem with Netflix documentaries

7 March 2021 6:02 pm

Netflix gets a lot of stick for being woke these days – and not just from this parish. And when you…

Will the SNP finally see sense on its flawed Hate Crime Bill?

7 March 2021 5:30 pm

The saga of the SNP’s Hate Crime Bill is drawing to a conclusion. This week, Holyrood will cast a decisive vote…

Brexit and gender are off limits for aspiring authors

7 March 2021 5:30 pm

When a small US publisher accepted my first book for young adults, ‘Crosstrack’, it wasn’t long before things went pear…

Is America overstimulated?

7 March 2021 11:25 am

The last thing anyone would accuse Joe Biden of is being overstimulated. But the Senate’s rapid approval of his pandemic…

What can Laurence Fox hope to achieve with his bid for London mayor?

7 March 2021 5:58 am

As if the politics of the Western world wasn’t well past parody already, this weekend sees Laurence Fox throwing his…

What does Belarus's opposition leader want?

7 March 2021 12:03 am

There is an assumption that those fighting tyranny must instead want Western-style democracy, that the arc of history bends towards…

The big state won’t save our post-Covid world

6 March 2021 6:58 pm

The big state is back. The Budget puts Britain on a path to having the highest tax levels since the…

Will Keir Starmer change tack?

6 March 2021 4:58 am

A sign that the political landscape is changing in favour of the Conservatives can be found in a YouGov poll…

Election integrity is at stake

6 March 2021 3:57 am

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday in one of the most important cases for voting rights in decades.…

Will America’s ‘cold civil war’ turn hot?

6 March 2021 3:29 am

If the first month of 2021 is anything to go by, the American culture wars show no sign of abating.…

Meghan’s critics and defenders are both wrong

6 March 2021 1:09 am

When it comes to Harry and Meghan, is it time for everyone to take a collective deep breath? With the…

How the West can avoid Beijing's propaganda trap

6 March 2021 12:27 am

This time next year the Winter Olympics will have drawn to a close. Beijing will have become the first city…

Immigration is no longer a political problem

5 March 2021 11:49 pm

Ask voters what the most important issue facing Britain is and just 2 per cent say immigration. Even when you…

Barnier and France fear Brexit Britain’s next moves

5 March 2021 10:48 pm

Michel Barnier – still officially the EU’s Brexit taskforce leader – gives few interviews. As a Savoyard and keen mountaineer,…

It’s not ‘Neanderthal’ to want to stop Democrats dissolving the border

5 March 2021 10:43 pm

Whew! If not now, when? As Ronald Reagan asked in another context. Maybe — as those of us closer to…

Are loyalists plotting a return to violence?

5 March 2021 8:21 pm

What are we to make of Loyalist paramilitary groups withdrawing support for the Good Friday Agreement over the invidious trade…

Will Alan Rusbridger apologise for the Guardian's Republican cell?

5 March 2021 6:00 pm

Subscribers will know that I wrote in my column for the magazine this week about the revelations by former journalist…

The EU's ugly vaccine nationalism

5 March 2021 5:09 am

We have to rid the world of vaccine nationalism. No one is protected until we are all protected. And we…

Why we shouldn't worry about Covid super strains

4 March 2021 11:42 pm

Should we worry about new Covid variants? Much has been made in recent weeks about the potential for new Covid…

Meghan, Harry and the trouble with Oprah's 'truth'

4 March 2021 11:38 pm

Obviously, I can’t wait for the Meghan and Harry audience with Oprah Winfrey. Alas, it’s going to be broadcast at…