
Britain should now brace itself for a barrage of Brussels red tape

29 December 2020 12:34 am

Should we be worried that the UK didn’t get all that it wanted for financial services in the UK-EU Trade…

Where have all the lesbians gone?

28 December 2020 9:30 pm

I miss lesbians. It is true that most homosexual men don’t have too many integrated in our lives, but most…

A Priti poem: an ode to the Home Secretary

28 December 2020 9:00 pm

Priti Patel, Ms Priti Patel, Burnished by sunshine of far Israel, How we all cheered when on Marr you did…

The rise and fall of Netflix

28 December 2020 7:00 pm

In 2010, Jeff Bewkes, then CEO of Time Warner, was asked if he thought Netflix had any chance of taking…

What has happened to parenting?

28 December 2020 6:00 pm

During a recent webinar with British MPs, I learned that parents in Bradford were up in arms because their children…

The small print of Boris's Brexit deal makes for reassuring reading

28 December 2020 2:05 am

The new UK/EU Treaty is needlessly long and turgid in its prose: this document was not drafted by people who…

Why 2020 was the fourth best year in history

28 December 2020 12:22 am

The Spectator has a long and proud history of fact-based optimism, sometimes represented by an end-of-the-year article explaining that statistics…

Why a row about the rise of Hitler has erupted in the German press

27 December 2020 7:45 pm

A debate is playing out in the German-speaking media about whether inflation or deflation was behind the rise of Adolf…

A woke church is doomed to fail

27 December 2020 6:00 pm

My church attendance leaves something to be desired and I can’t cite Bible verses for every occasion. Yet for as…

How the Brexit deal demonstrates Boris Johnson’s genius

26 December 2020 9:12 pm

I have never cared for Boris Johnson as a politician. Despite that, I voted for him twice as London mayor.…

Why Brexiteers should support this deal

26 December 2020 8:48 pm

When Britain voted on whether to leave the EU or remain within it there were valid arguments on both sides.…

Confessions of a failed royal reporter

26 December 2020 6:00 pm

Half a lifetime ago, I was, briefly, an occasional royal reporter – and watching The Crown, season four has revived…

The moment the modern world went wrong

26 December 2020 5:30 pm

Spectator contributors were asked: Which moment from history seems most significant or interesting? Here is Jonathan Sumption’s answer: The Paris…

Why Christmas sends a shiver down my spine

25 December 2020 6:00 pm

Does Christmas send a shiver down your spine? It should. We seek at this time of year to reclaim the…

Full text: Boris Johnson's Brexit deal speech

25 December 2020 3:09 am

It is four and a half years since the British people voted to take back control of their money, their…

Britain has won the biggest Brexit prize of all

25 December 2020 2:24 am

In the end, the fish were only of symbolic importance. Neither does it matter that much what happens to Scottish…

At last: we have a Brexit deal

24 December 2020 7:17 pm

Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen have both confirmed that we have a deal: one with zero tariffs, zero quotas. The…

Christmas raises the most basic political question

24 December 2020 6:00 pm

A few years ago, around this time of year, I overheard a nice exchange in a charity shop (I was…

Is there a Brexit deal?

24 December 2020 7:59 am

Tonight we are still waiting for confirmation that a Brexit deal has been done. But the noises coming out of…

attorney general

Who would want to be Joe Biden’s attorney general?

24 December 2020 1:57 am

Whoever Joe Biden picks for attorney general is in a lose-lose situation. Why is that job so hard? At least…

The BBC should be ashamed of its reporting on trans teenagers

23 December 2020 9:30 pm

This is an article about some difficult, complex subjects: suicide, mental health, support for transgender children. It’s also about something…

Could 30 per cent of Brits have some Covid immunity?

23 December 2020 8:00 pm

How big is the job of vaccination? The aim is herd immunity, to protect enough people so that the virus…

No deal isn't what Paris thinks it is

23 December 2020 8:52 am

The Brexit waiting continues. The negotiators are still talking but, according to one of those close to the negotiations on…

Trump supporters never stood a chance

23 December 2020 3:01 am

New York There are times, living in this here dump, when I doubt if anyone’s heard of the word magnanimity.…

artificial intelligence

We must stop militant liberals from politicizing artificial intelligence

23 December 2020 2:01 am

What do you do if decisions that used to be made by humans, with all their biases, start being made…