Lords blows six figures on correcting its peers
While much ink has been spilled over the Covid Commons, far less has been written about the Lords. Overlooked and…
Rees-Mogg's No. 10 party jibe
It’s a difficult time for liberty lovers in the cabinet. The country is £400 billion in debt, the risk of…
Bob Dole, defender of America
The usualness, you might say, of the late Bob Dole is what would render him highly, and commendably, unusual in…
A war on drugs? I do hope so
I’m not going to lie, I let out a little chuckle — maybe even a murmur of approval — when I read…
Six highlights from Mark Francois's memoirs
Certain dates will go down in the annals of Brexit: 23 June 2016, 12 December 2019 and 31 January 2021. To…
Why the No. 10 Christmas 'party' story matters
It’s crime week for the government — with Boris Johnson and his ministers set to unveil a range of measures…
Omicron: cause for hope?
It will be weeks before we know just how worried we should be about Omicron — but the first indications seem…
What's the point of vaccine passports?
What is the purpose of vaccine passports: to keep down infection or to try to persuade more people to get…
Durham students try to cancel Rod Liddle
The University of Durham has boasted many distinguished students over the years: Sir Harold Evans, Justin Welby, Andrew Strauss and…
Kay Burley's party hypocrisy
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – except if you’re working in Boris Johnson’s press office. Much has been…
Mispronouncing names isn't a 'microaggression'
People can make a bewildering number of offensive transgressions these days: from using the wrong pronoun when addressing people to…
Boycott the 2022 China Olympics
Anything short of a full boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics is an abdication of America’s responsibilities and a rejection…
Meghan woz right
The Duchess of Sussex’s legal ding-dong with the Mail on Sunday (which published her private correspondence with her father) has…
Why there is more Omicron than we know
Yesterday the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) announced it had identified another 26 Omicron cases, and the total number of…
Meet the Brexit-hating Macron clone who could be the next French president
The best way to describe Valérie Pécresse is Emmanuel Macron in a blouse. The newly-elected candidate for Les Republicans (LR)…
Mossad is prepraring to strike at the heart of Iran’s nuclear programme
Iran is about to be hit by a fresh wave of Mossad operations, sources in Jerusalem have told me. This…
Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and our broken child protection system
The official sentencing remarks on the short life and cruel death of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes begin with this trigger warning from…
How’s ‘shutting down the virus’ going, Joe?
We are less than a month away from entering 2022 — so why does it feel like March 2020 all…
Why America needs a grand bargain with Russia
Russian is losing influence in a region it once dominated: Eastern Europe. Highlighting this newfound weakness are Ukraine and Belarus,…
Abortion rights: the cracks are showing in Roe v. Wade
Crowds gathered outside of the Supreme Court this week as the Court prepared to hear arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson…
Why Viktor Orbán is fighting a war against ‘LGBT ideology’
‘Do you support the unrestricted presentation of sexual media content that influences the development of underage children?’ In a national…
The sinister side of Meghan’s court victory
Reading the Duchess of Sussex’s press release after the Court of Appeal upheld her privacy case against the Mail on…
Why has Shell really decided to ditch the Cambo oil field?
One of the unfortunate side effects of a steeply rising oil price this year is that it seems to have…
Let Cockburn debase himself at your Christmas party
It is, as Andy Williams memorably put it, the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas party season has hit…
Will Germany's compulsory vaccine plan backfire?
Covid was probably the last thing on Angela Merkel’s mind as she listened to the East German pop tunes of…