
Jbiden ohn Podesta speaks on stage at former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's election night event

Top Democrats contemplate civil war if Biden loses

6 August 2020 9:09 pm

The chattering caste of Washington DC has spent much of the summer obsessed with the idea that Donald Trump will…

Facebook is wrong to censor Donald Trump

6 August 2020 9:01 pm

Donald Trump has hardly covered himself in glory in his latest public responses to the pandemic. His calamitous interview with…

Can Douglas Ross stop Scexit?

6 August 2020 8:43 pm

Douglas Ross is the new leader of the Scottish Conservatives and since his predecessor lasted all of 167 days, best…

Pakistan has transformed into a covid-19 success story

6 August 2020 7:07 pm

As the covid-19 pandemic rages on, Pakistan is emerging as an unheralded, and unlikely, success story. Despite having the fifth…

Europe is finally coming to terms with Brexit

6 August 2020 4:00 pm

An article in the Dutch, left-leaning newspaper Het Parool led with the headline ‘Despite Brexit, multinationals prefer London over Amsterdam…


Trump campaign misses the mark with latest Biden attack

6 August 2020 7:19 am

Former vice president Joe Biden handed the Trump campaign an interview gaffe for the ages on Wednesday. When asked if…


Who does Trump want?

6 August 2020 3:45 am

Joe Biden has reportedly narrowed his vice-presidential search, with Sen. Kamala Harris and former national security adviser Susan Rice taking…

No bread, no heat, no hope: Life in Lebanon after the Beirut blast

6 August 2020 3:19 am

Once again, crisis comes to Lebanon. Once again, people are dying young in the Middle East. Last night an explosion…

Has Sweden been vindicated?

6 August 2020 2:56 am

Sweden has released growth figures for the second quarter – a contraction of 8.6 per cent – and two narratives…


President Trump should bend — but not break — Big Tech

6 August 2020 1:47 am

Americans’ increasing focus on this fall’s elections has awakened in me a tinge of nostalgia for the good old days…


Trump’s Burkean moment

5 August 2020 9:50 pm

President Trump surprised some on Saturday when he shared a video from Business Insider explaining that billionaires have amassed half-a-trillion…

Has Trump’s Covid-19 response really been so dire?

5 August 2020 6:25 pm

The sight of Donald Trump fumbling with charts during his interview on HBO this Monday has provided much ammunition for…

Should a coronavirus vaccine be compulsory?

5 August 2020 6:24 pm

The mandatory introduction of face masks in shops and a ban on families and friends from different households meeting in…

How much worse can things get for Lebanon?

5 August 2020 2:29 pm

Just before Twitter started firing out messages about a ‘bomb’ in Beirut, our cleaner rang us in tears, shaking, telling…

Can tourism subsidies save Japan's coronavirus-blighted economy?

5 August 2020 1:00 am

In a striking contrast of priorities, as the UK government offers discounted fast food vouchers to revitalise the restaurant and…

The US is right to rethink its relationship with China

5 August 2020 12:31 am

Anyone who has worked in an office has fantasised about destroying it. As someone who has taken a sledgehammer to…

Why 'progressives' love to hate Rosie Duffield

4 August 2020 8:57 pm

There can be a hallucinatory quality to the progressive mind, a tendency to see enemies in allies and demons in…

Wearing a mask is good manners

4 August 2020 7:44 pm

Early on in lockdown, I was picking up my daily paper and was confronted by someone who had contrived his…

Juan Carlos' exile may not save the Spanish monarchy

4 August 2020 7:37 pm

In the ‘bad bank’ model, a bank protects itself by dumping its toxic assets onto a second, newly-created institution. By…


Where the Arlington sidewalk ends

4 August 2020 6:09 am

Watch out, Gretchen Whitmer! The queen of draconian and idiotic coronavirus restrictions is getting a run for her money thanks…


The media’s TikTok blindspot

4 August 2020 4:08 am

We learned about journalists this past weekend. Specifically, we learned about tech journalists who aren’t particularly interested reporting or analyzing…

peak biden

Have we passed peak Biden?

4 August 2020 3:12 am

A consensus has formed about this presidential election: it is Joe Biden’s to lose. As long as his vice-presidential nomination…

statue of liberty

It’s all relative with the Statue of Liberty

4 August 2020 2:50 am

She stands in the smoky morning air, her copper lamp held elegantly aloft across the waters from Manhattan. Oh, say…

It's time to rein in the Supreme Court

4 August 2020 2:43 am

The return of lockdown measures across parts of northern England, as well as the announcement of dozens of new peerages,…

Rosie Duffield and the war on women

4 August 2020 2:39 am

It’s summer but the war on women continues. The latest person to fall victim to the transgender thought police is…