
law rayshard brooks

The rule of law is collapsing

24 June 2020 11:12 pm

It is the law that makes us ‘the best of animals.’ So saying, Aristotle had a very specific conception of…

How Boris Johnson plans to reset his premiership

24 June 2020 9:55 pm

The decision to significantly ease lockdown from early July marks a new chapter when it comes to the government’s approach…

The BBC's patronising new diversity quota

24 June 2020 8:59 pm

‘Diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ have become sacred doctrines within many of our major institutions, a religious fervour that has only increased…

Will there ever be another Conservative mayor of London?

24 June 2020 6:04 pm

Even in these strange political times, it looks very difficult for a Conservative politician to become Mayor of London. In…

The New York Times private

The death of the private citizen

24 June 2020 7:28 am

The internet is not a private place, but news outlets have decided that it’s up to them to determine when…


The rioters and the rentiers

24 June 2020 2:51 am

It was inevitable that the wave of destructive rioting and looting that has swept through cities that are almost all…

The limits of Covid death statistics

24 June 2020 1:38 am

As is often said, choose your statistics carefully and you can use them make just about any point you want…

Covid won't kill the office

24 June 2020 12:51 am

The rapidity and willingness with which workers have adopted and adapted to remote working has led some – including Rory…

The drugs that can help us defeat Covid-19

24 June 2020 12:02 am

Covid-19 is here to stay. Whether it flickers in wait or rages like wildfire, it will remain part of our…

The EU's new bond isn't as solid as it seems

23 June 2020 10:00 pm

Its rescue fund will bail out the poorer states. It will fuel a rapid economic recovery. And perhaps most of…

Modi's muted response to China is infuriating Indians

23 June 2020 8:54 pm

The mood in India simmers with retaliation following the death of at least 20 Indian soldiers in clashes with their…

What isn't being said about the Reading attack victims?

23 June 2020 6:45 pm

Imagine if on Saturday evening a white neo-Nazi had stabbed three men to death. Imagine, furthermore, if in the wake…

Kim Yo Jong's growing role is bad news for peace in Korea

23 June 2020 6:14 pm

The halcyon days of 2018 seem very distant. Two years ago, North Korea sent a delegation to the Pyeongchang winter…


Yes, it’s time to defund NPR

23 June 2020 8:39 am

When the Public Broadcasting Act was signed into law in 1967, the stated goal was to provide public financial assistance…

theodore roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt saw this mob coming

23 June 2020 1:16 am

So now they have come for Teddy Roosevelt. The large bronze statue of TR on horseback, flanked by a black…

Labour’s path to victory lies in destroying the Lib Dems

22 June 2020 9:49 pm

It has become a truism that there are not enough liberal voters to get Labour a majority at the next…


The new inequality

22 June 2020 8:17 pm

It is a strange habit, the American one of making talk-show hosts into preachers. There is no good reason, after…

statues vandals history

Self-righteous vandals

22 June 2020 12:47 am

Violent left-wing activists have taken to styling themselves as antifa, short for ‘anti-fascists’, though their street-fighting tactics resemble nothing so…


The conservative legal movement is dead

22 June 2020 12:18 am

Imagine if Sonia Sotomayor, once she got on the Supreme Court, started ruling like Clarence Thomas. I know, I know,…

Is Attlee really more worthy than Churchill?

21 June 2020 4:02 pm

As the toxic furore over statues continues, a number of left-wingers yearn to see the monument to Winston Churchill in…


Marching against racism is too easy

21 June 2020 12:46 am

When I first saw the footage of George Floyd being asphyxiated by a policeman’s knee on his throat, my reaction…

Vladimir Putin’s history fetish

20 June 2020 6:44 pm

Russia, the old joke goes, has long been a country with an unpredictable past. On September 22, 1939, for instance,…

What would Thatcher do?

20 June 2020 5:05 pm

No one seems to think Boris Johnson has handled this crisis particularly well. But who might have done a better…

lebron james china athletes

Gracious China allows athletes to speak out on social issues again

20 June 2020 6:26 am

Even after China unleashed a viral pandemic on the planet, crashing the world economy and killing thousands, we all find…


Here’s some left-wing stuff we can cancel, too

20 June 2020 4:50 am

‘What do we burn apart from witches?’ ‘More witches!’ A pitchfork-and-iPhone-wielding diversity mob is running amok in major metropolitan areas…