
Boris Johnson needs to admit his coronavirus mistakes

17 May 2020 7:00 pm

Be careful what you wish for. Over the past few years, a fair number of thoughtful Tories have included a…

My fears about the 'new normal'

17 May 2020 4:11 pm

Perhaps there’s light at the end of the long lockdown tunnel. The roadmap at least allows hope that life might…


Stimulus squabble marks a return to politics as usual

17 May 2020 5:36 am

Who is the proposed new $3 trillion stimulus package designed to help? If enacted, the bill — which narrowly passed…

Do the experts believe in the R number?

17 May 2020 3:27 am

The R-number has been declared the most important metric in monitoring Covid in Britain. For young children to return to school…

Kayleigh McEnany is winning the 2020 election

16 May 2020 11:46 pm

Well, isn’t she lovely? Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s new press secretary, is already winning the hearts and minds of locked-down males…

My positive antibody test is an ‘immunity passport’ in all but name

16 May 2020 10:00 pm

I wouldn’t say I felt I had joined a master race when my coronavirus ‘immunity passport’ arrived this week. But…

Covid's knock-on effect on child deaths

16 May 2020 8:55 pm

The daily death toll has been a constant backdrop to the Covid-19 crisis. Would we ever have entered lockdown, would…

Extremists are going to thrive in the post-lockdown world

16 May 2020 7:00 pm

Throughout the lockdown I’ve been nagged by a persistent thought. As I sit indoors and read the news; as I…

Why are some people being repeatedly tested for coronavirus?

16 May 2020 6:44 pm

Testing, the government keeps telling us, is the way out of the coronavirus lockdown. Soon, the Prime Minister assured us…

tara reade

Do you believe Tara Reade?

16 May 2020 8:02 am

Without a doubt, women who level sexual assault allegations against powerful men are often subjected to character assassination and smears.…

Inside Boris Johnson's video call with Tory MPs

16 May 2020 3:23 am

One of the consequences of the virtual parliament is fewer opportunities for MPs to lobby No. 10. However, this afternoon…

jennifer levine

Misgendering is the real COVID crisis

16 May 2020 1:19 am

If it’s true that coronavirus is less likely to kill people with high levels of testosterone, Dr Rachel Levine —…

Boris's war on obesity is a mistake

16 May 2020 1:02 am

In less enlightened times, an outbreak of a deadly virus was taken as a sign of God’s displeasure and would…

Is a summer without cricket truly summer at all?

16 May 2020 12:35 am

Isuppose most of us have a hole or two in our lives right now. This is a time of absence;…

France’s bid to tame the German giant

15 May 2020 11:12 pm

Why does president Macron want European debt mutualisation? Why has France become the spokesman for the ‘southern states’ on a…

The chasm between the UK and EU’s Brexit positions

15 May 2020 10:41 pm

David Frost briefed the Cabinet yesterday on the state of the Brexit negotiations and he has now issued a very…

Could having a cold protect against Covid?

15 May 2020 10:12 pm

Could having a common cold protect you against Covid-19? The intriguing prospect has been raised by a team from the…

Britain must back Australia in its fight against China

15 May 2020 9:49 pm

China is a bully and the sooner the West understands that, the sooner we can begin to push back. Beijing…

How the Labour party ran out of ideas

15 May 2020 9:11 pm

After losing the leadership contest in April, the left of the Labour Party regrouped. Organising as part of old factions…

Elon Musk

Elon Musk slays California’s anti-business beast

15 May 2020 6:49 am

After a lengthy battle with public health officials in Alameda County, California, Elon Musk has emerged victorious. Tesla — the…

Germany's coronavirus protests are a big headache for Merkel

15 May 2020 2:14 am

Where Brits have voiced their opposition to the coronavirus lockdown, they’ve mostly done so from their own homes over the…

Covid has exposed the weakness of Whitehall

15 May 2020 12:53 am

Britain has long flattered itself that it leads the world in administration. But, as I write in the magazine this week,…

Britain should break the taboo on 'challenge vaccines'

15 May 2020 12:47 am

So far, so good: the Oxford university trials on a potential vaccine for Covid-19 is reported to be going well.…

Is the R number a flawed measure?

14 May 2020 8:31 pm

Boris Johnson’s address on Sunday was always going to be challenging. The effects of Covid-19 – in terms of its…

Will coronavirus change the way we talk about death?

14 May 2020 7:19 pm

Every generation has an event that defines it. For my father, it was the Second World War. For his father,…