
Ones to watch: The most promising new MPs of 2019

18 December 2019 11:11 pm

Last week’s election saw 140 new MPs joining the House of Commons, along with 15 former parliamentarians who have managed…

The three components of Boris’s plan for government

18 December 2019 9:33 pm

The two most significant consequences of this election are that the United Kingdom is leaving the EU and the Tories…

How Boris can avoid May’s Brexit trap during EU trade talks

18 December 2019 8:13 pm

Much of the nation breathed a sigh of relief when the exit poll was released. Whatever one’s views of the…

‘It’s still not Jeremy’s fault’ – more Corbynite excuses for Labour’s collapse

18 December 2019 8:00 pm

As the week rolls on, the recriminations just keep coming. One thing is for sure, its still not Jeremy’s fault.…

Inside Labour’s post-election PLP meeting – ‘We lost the f—ing election’

18 December 2019 7:04 am

The first meeting of the parliamentary Labour party since the party’s disastrous election defeat began with a round of applause.…

Why Labour will struggle to win back the working class vote

18 December 2019 1:00 am

Just how could the Conservatives win so many seats in working class areas in the Midlands and North, areas which…

We’re heading for a Singapore-style Brexit, no matter what Boris does

17 December 2019 11:40 pm

Reactions to the landslide victory of Boris Johnson have been rather positive on the other side of the Channel. German…

Boris Johnson will block the Brexit transition being extended in law

17 December 2019 9:19 am

Those who thought Boris Johnson would exploit his huge majority to be flexible on the end-2020 deadline for negotiating a…

Listen: Labour MP claims BBC ‘consciously’ undermined Corbyn

16 December 2019 10:00 pm

The last few days have seen a rapidly coarsening Labour debate over who is ultimately responsible for the party’s historic…

Will the new Tory MPs truly ‘change politics for the better’?

16 December 2019 9:55 pm

It’s the first proper day in the Commons for newly-elected MPs, though many of them took part in induction sessions…

Will Brexit save Corbynism?

16 December 2019 9:14 pm

In the immediate aftermath of an election, its meaning is established. Once this is fixed, it is almost impossible to…

Never underestimate Boris Johnson

15 December 2019 9:34 pm

Much of the political class is still in a state of shock. Many are tempted to echo Lord Melbourne: ‘What…

This could be Boris’s ‘Nixon goes to China’ moment

15 December 2019 6:30 pm

This “Brexit election” was about a lot more than Britain and the European Union. It was about the future of…

Corbyn’s Labour was backed by 10m voters. We’re defeated, but not finished

15 December 2019 1:34 am

I’ve been a lefty for long enough to be pretty familiar with the sensation of losing elections. I remember weeping…

The Tories know they must deliver for their new voters

14 December 2019 11:01 pm

‘If Darlington high street isn’t visibly better in four years’ time, we’ll be in trouble’, one of Boris Johnson’s confidants…

Boris’s big strength could soon become a Tory weakness

14 December 2019 7:00 pm

First, a clarification. I may previously have suggested that Boris Johnson is an unprincipled egomaniac wholly lacking in both moral…

Can anyone lay a glove on Donald Trump?

14 December 2019 9:23 am

Donald Trump just got another spot of good news. The Supreme Court has cut him a break by taking up…

Can Labour’s moderates learn from all their mistakes?

14 December 2019 3:18 am

Labour’s defeat is so terrible that it provides the kind of creative destruction that could save the party. It will…

Boris Johnson promises to ‘unite and level up’ the UK. Can he really achieve that?

14 December 2019 2:53 am

Boris Johnson’s victory speech in Downing Street was aimed at the voters unsure about his government, whether they be the…

Full transcript: Boris Johnson’s speech on the steps of Downing Street

14 December 2019 2:53 am

This morning I went to Buckingham Palace and I am forming a new government. On Monday MPs will arrive at…

The three ‘C’s’ that explain Boris’s historic election win

14 December 2019 2:07 am

This was an election as important and as divisive for the UK as Margaret Thatcher’s victory in 1979. Vast numbers…

Boris Johnson has all the power. Here’s what he’ll do with it

13 December 2019 11:45 pm

Put aside the surprise at the scale of the Tory gains and look at where those gains came, and consider…

‘We will fight them in the streets’: Labour MP reacts to Tory win

13 December 2019 10:41 pm

You wouldn’t know Labour had suffered a dismal night in the polls from Lloyd Russell-Moyle’s acceptance speech. The arch Corbynista…

Boris’s big win is a decisive moment in the battle for Brexit

13 December 2019 8:42 pm

So in the end Leave voters decided to save Nigel Farage from himself by once again using their strategic nous…

‘Victory for Boris’: Today’s front pages react to the Tory landslide

13 December 2019 6:54 pm

The nation’s newspapers reflect what is the largest political revolution in a generation. Boris Johnson has been able to turn…