
Parliament wants to destroy the UK’s negotiating position

6 September 2019 1:11 am

For onlookers it is astonishing to see the British establishment, commentators and a majority of MPs try to scuttle the…

What happened to the Conservative Party?

5 September 2019 9:06 pm

So now we know. There is no point in denying it and no advantage in wishing away plainly observable reality.…

Extremists have taken over the two main parties

5 September 2019 7:29 pm

Both main British parties are now characterised by intolerance of dissent, leader worship and racism. You can take a historical…

Boris Johnson denied election request – but snap poll remains likely

5 September 2019 6:42 am

Boris Johnson has lost his third government vote – and his first bid for an early election. MPs voted against…

Boris Johnson will get an election in October, eventually

5 September 2019 5:17 am

Labour’s split over the timing of any election has deepened this evening. In an interview with Andrew Neil, John Healey…

Ex-Tory rebels threaten to stand as Conservatives in election

5 September 2019 3:32 am

Rebel ex-Tory MPs are complaining of ‘unconstitutional’ treatment by their party and are planning to stand at the next election…

Why Boris Johnson should pack the House of Lords

4 September 2019 7:48 pm

What should the next steps be in the battle between Parliament and the people? First, Boris should appoint about 500…

Corbyn, not Boris, was the real loser last night

4 September 2019 7:45 pm

The Remainers are celebrating after last tonight’s defeat of the government and writing Boris off as a busted flush. ‘Johnson’s…

Will Jeremy Corbyn keep Boris Johnson dangling?

4 September 2019 5:55 pm

Jeremy Corbyn is now in charge – even though he isn’t prime minister. And he faces the most important judgement…

Tories lose vote – Boris Johnson looks to early election

4 September 2019 8:09 am

Boris Johnson tonight suffered his first government defeat in his first Commons vote since becoming Prime Minister. Tory rebels joined forces…

Election on 14 October if government loses no-deal vote

3 September 2019 4:30 am

There will be a general election on 14 October if MPs defeat the government tomorrow on no-deal Brexit legislation. Number…

Boris Johnson: I don’t want an election, you don’t want an election

3 September 2019 3:27 am

Five weeks ago I spoke to you from these steps and said that this government was not going to hang…

Boris Johnson tells rebels: back me or face an early election

3 September 2019 2:59 am

Boris Johnson’s message to MPs is that if they vote tomorrow for another delay, then Wednesday there will be vote…

Will Labour MPs really back a general election?

3 September 2019 1:09 am

There’s an assumption in Westminster that the Labour Party would have to back a snap general election if Boris Johnson…

The Glasgow riots reflect Scotland’s ugly political tribalism

2 September 2019 5:02 am

In 2014, a young SNP activist called Aidan Kerr caused some consternation when he contended that Scotland was undergoing ‘Ulsterisation’.…

joe walsh

Yes, Joe Walsh can!

2 September 2019 2:14 am

When Joe Walsh announced that he’d be running to be the Republicans’ nominee for 46th president of the United States,…

An election is coming – and soon

2 September 2019 1:51 am

I am finding it hard to capture the scale of the parliamentary battle that will start on Tuesday – because…

Tory MPs who vote for the extension legislation will be barred from standing for the party at the next election

31 August 2019 7:34 pm

Parliament returns on Tuesday and it is expected that anti no-deal MPs will – with John Bercow’s help – quickly…

Why I’m sick of politics being described as a circus

31 August 2019 5:09 pm

Jon Sopel has a new book out this month – A Year at the Circus. But the BBC’s North America…

bill kristol

Can we find Bill Kristol a new job?

31 August 2019 5:23 am

With millions of people unemployed, finding a new job for a well-heeled Washington insider might seem like a low priority…

tulsi gabbard

The DNC would rather lose than nominate Tulsi Gabbard

31 August 2019 4:22 am

Tulsi Gabbard is arguably the most interesting woman in American politics today. A combat veteran from the Iraq war, the…

Boris Johnson’s Parliament shutdown isn’t unconstitutional

31 August 2019 12:27 am

Has Boris Johnson done a Charles I and shut down Parliament indefinitely? The headlines this week might lead you to…

How Boris Johnson boxed his Brexit opponents in

30 August 2019 5:19 pm

As a Leave voter, it is satisfying to watch Boris’s Johnson’s bold Brexit plan unfold. The predictable backlash to it…

What will the Tory and Labour election campaigns look like?

30 August 2019 5:03 am

We know that the Conservatives are gearing up for an election in the next few months. Their official line is…

The rage against Boris

29 August 2019 11:04 pm

This morning, a petition demanding ‘Do not prorogue Parliament’ is doing the rounds. At the time of writing, more than…