
May tries to avoid Tory meltdown by only requesting short Brexit delay

20 March 2019 7:50 pm

After much speculation, a furious Cabinet and the threat of another backbench rebellion, No. 10 has finally confirmed what type…

andrew yang

Andrew Yang is the Democrat Ron Paul…except he might actually win

20 March 2019 5:44 am

Long-shot Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang isn’t afraid to take a position on, well, anything. Browse through his campaign website,…

Has Bercow just destroyed May’s last chance to pass her deal?

19 March 2019 3:51 am

No. 10’s strategy to win over the DUP and the Brexiteers to Theresa May’s deal in time for a third…


How Biden loses

19 March 2019 12:14 am

Presidential politics is all about excitement. So maybe it should worry the Democrats that their most exciting 2020 presidential prospects,…

May under pressure to set an exit date to get her deal over the line

18 March 2019 10:17 am

Is this the week Theresa May sets out an exit date for her departure from No. 10? There is hope…

beto o’rourke michael avenatti

Michael Avenatti: Why Beto can’t win

18 March 2019 9:20 am

Beto O’Rourke is many things. But he is definitely not a fighter. And that’s why it would be a huge…

Theresa May’s offer to the DUP

18 March 2019 6:33 am

The prime minister’s frantic last attempt to persuade Northern Ireland’s DUP to back her third meaningful vote on Tuesday involves…

What the EU will say when Theresa May asks for a Brexit extension

16 March 2019 1:30 am

Now that Parliament has backed an extension to the Brexit process, the ball is effectively in the EU’s court. Whether…

12 senators trumpism

Has Trumpism hit the wall?

15 March 2019 8:54 am

The normally sober Associated Press is reporting the Senate’s vote to overturn Trump’s declaration of emergency in the southern border as…

Are things finally looking up for Theresa May?

15 March 2019 6:47 am

Theresa May’s week just got a little less bad. This evening the Government managed to successfully defeat a string of…


Beta O’Rourke

15 March 2019 3:08 am

Beto O’Rourke is about to launch a presidential campaign off the back of a failed Senate bid. He’s not the…

joe biden

The question isn’t if Joe Biden will screw up: it’s when

15 March 2019 2:46 am

Joe Biden seems on the verge of announcing he will run for president. He begins in a strong position, leading…

Why a Brexit extension spells trouble for the EU

14 March 2019 11:55 pm

Now that Theresa May’s deal has been decisively defeated again, the message from Brussels has been clear: the Brexit impasse…

Meaningful vote 3 in the next seven days

14 March 2019 8:36 am

Theresa May’s extension motion makes clear that she intends to bring her deal back for another vote in the next…

The latest government shambles could help May pass her deal

14 March 2019 8:10 am

This evening Theresa May’s week went from awful to terrible. After her deal was heavily defeated for a second time…

jeb! bush

The Chinese must be furious. Imagine blowing $1.3m on Jeb!

14 March 2019 1:56 am

Jeb! We hardly knew ye. The 2016 election seems soooo long ago. There was a time, for about 15 minutes,…

The Brexiteers have blown it

13 March 2019 10:41 pm

If, as Rod Liddle says, Brexit has been killed there is no shortage of suspects. 75 of them, in fact.…

Brexit is now dead

13 March 2019 7:45 am

And that, my lovely friends, is it for Brexit. You kippers and ERGers who think we’ll leave with no deal,…

We’re now heading for a no-deal Brexit – but not just yet

13 March 2019 7:26 am

A member of the Cabinet uttered just one word to me about this latest humiliating defeat for the Prime Minister…

Why we could be heading for a third vote on May’s Brexit deal

13 March 2019 7:10 am

Late last night, there was a sense of optimism among ministers that the government’s revised deal might have a chance.…

joe biden

If Joe Biden is so manly, why can’t he just admit he’s running?

13 March 2019 3:40 am

Has Joe Biden finally made up his mind? The former vice president has told a House lawmaker that he is…

What Theresa May needs to go right today to avoid another historic defeat

12 March 2019 6:55 pm

In order to turn things around with her Brexit deal, Theresa May needs a domino effect. She needs to somehow…

dick cheney

Vice vs vice: Cheney barbecues Pence in Georgia

12 March 2019 12:13 pm

It was no cakewalk for Vice President Mike Pence. He had showed up in Sea Island, Ga., reckoning that he…

Is there any way that May’s deal could pass on Tuesday?

9 March 2019 10:18 pm

The government’s efforts to get changes to the backstop have run into a brick wall in Brussels. The EU thinks,…

democrats tulsi gabbard trump

To win, the Democrats need to be more like Trump

9 March 2019 4:11 am

Here is the tragedy of the Democratic party in 2019: its partisans are left to hope that personal hatred of…