The Spectator

27 September 2014 Aus

The Cameron way

The PM signals left while turning right. But now it’s time for clarity

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Leading article Australia

Silver fern leaf

The extraordinary victory of John Key and his National party in New Zealand’s recent election came as a relief to…

Diary Australia

Diary Australia

Every three years in New Zealand, incumbent politicians must hit the campaign trail. Since 2008, I have chased votes in…

Australian Features

Features Australia

A funny thing happened on the way to the Senate

The Upper House in our federal parliament has become a maverick - much like those who sit in it

Features Australia

You can’t judge a book by its author’s genitalia

Feminism has lost the plot with the Stella Prize schools literary program

Features Australia

Who or what is a fair dinkum First Australian?

Recognising Aboriginal people in the Constitution throws up a multitude of problems

Features Australia

…and who is a fair dinkum Muslim?

Western leaders keep insisting that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam

Bottom Drawer

Bottom Drawer

McMahon - the controversy rages

Bottom Drawer

Bottom Drawer

McMahon - the controversy rages



Cameron signals left, but turns right. Can he please now choose a direction?

It's time for the Prime Minister to make up his mind. Will he seize the chance to reshape British politics?


How an Oxford degree – PPE – created a robotic governing class

Most of our prominent politicians studied the same subject at Oxford. Is it any wonder we’re so badly governed?


Václav Klaus: The lies Europe tells about Russia

An interview with the former Czech president, possibly the West’s last truly outspoken leader


Why do we care about the mutts from Manchester and not the chickens from KFC?

There is a glaring double standard in our adoration for our pets and our tolerance for intensive farming


Students - bunk off your sex classes and learn on the job

They should be left in their digs to learn on the job


Michael Fallon: parliament needs the 'courage' to vote for war

An interview with the new, hawkish Defence Secretary

Barbara Hepworth’s St Ives garden

Notes on...

Artists’ houses

I’m not sure what took me to Salvador Dalí’s house in Port Lligat, but it sure as hell wasn’t admiration.…

The Week

Leading article

The good fight

Islamic State must be defeated by supporting its enemies in the Middle East


Australian Letters

Waiting to die Sir: Forgive my delay, only getting around to reading the UK content of the 12 July issue…

Portrait of the week

Portrait of the week: Cameron visits UN HQ, Scotland checks its bruises, and a Swede sells his submarine

Home David Cameron, the Prime Minister, visited New York for talks at the United Nations; he said Britain supported the…


Tom Bower’s Diary: Resuming hostilities with Richard Branson

Plus: My unlikely friendship with Simon Cowell


How does your cannabis grow?

The strange places where marijuana plants have sprung up; plus, what would an English parliament look like?

Ancient and modern

The ancient roots of Alex’s Salmond’s demagoguery

He doesn’t like the verdict of the people, so he threatens to declare independence anyway



Cameron must reunite the Tories or lose the next election

Some Conservatives pine for a leader who can bring the family back together -- and look wistfully towards Boris

James Delingpole

The greatest joy of playing Grand Theft Auto V? It lets you give the finger to the PC brigade

It’s condemned for its outrageous sexism, racism, misogyny and violence. But it’s damn good fun

Rod Liddle

If we won’t talk to John Cantlie’s captors, then why not have Qataris to do it for us?

We may pretend we don’t negotiate, but in private we natter away like there’s no tomorrow

Mary Wakefield

Is forgiveness a weapon in the war on terror?

A former Liberian warlord persuaded me that it is possible to rehumanise monstrous men


Vladimir and Véra: in love for life

Lead book review

Nabokov’s love letters are some of the most rapturous ever written

A review of ‘Letters to Vera’, by Vladimir Nabokov. Most love letters would not be worth reading. But Nabokov turns what he sees into sentences of pure magic

Australian Books

Head Beaters

Ah, democracy. The informed will of the majority. If only the practice was as simple as the theory. When it…

In the dialogue in front of Raphael’s ‘Madonna della Sedia’, Martin Gayford takes the lead


This former head of the Metropolitan finds Rembrandt boring

A review of ‘Rendez-vous with Art’, by Philippe de Montebello and Martin Gayford. It’s a minor miracle that this book doesn’t lapse into self-indulgent meandering


Paul Merton’s is the most boastful autobiography in years

A review of ‘Only When I Laugh: My Autobiography’, by Paul Merton. He writes candidly about his psychiatric incarceration but, elsewhere, there’s too much swanking

Ottolenghi’s tomato and pomegranate salad


Yotam Ottolenghi: the Saatchi brothers of vegetable PR

A review of ‘Plenty More’, by Yotam Ottolenghi. If you can make sense of this cook’s unpronounceable ingredients, you should have a delicious meal

Comforting domesticity: Alan Johnson with his stepdaughter Natalie and daughter Emma


Boy, can Alan Johnson write

A review of ‘Please, Mister Postman’, by Alan Johnson. This second instalment of the former minister’s autobiography takes us from the urban jungle of Notting Hill to the cusp of political power


What’s that I hear? Francis Fukuyama back-pedalling frantically

A review of ‘Political Order and Political Decay’, by Francis Fukuyama. This excellent volume of comparative history and political science should be read by politicians and public alike


Rowan Williams has been reading too much Wittgenstein

A review of ‘The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language’, by Rowan Williams. Atheists have nothing to fear from this attempt to find a proof for God in linguistic philosophy

A figure of envy for much of male Middle England: Michael Rudman, with Felicity Kendal


I’m disappointed this director didn’t plunge the knife into Dustin Hoffman

A review of ‘I Joke Too Much: The Theatre Director’s Tale’, by Michael Rudman. Despite the dearth of score-settling, there’s a good laugh on almost every page


Passion, authority and the odd mini-rant: Scruton’s conservative vision

A review of ‘How To Be A Conservative’, by Roger Scruton. He ends with a passionate, romantic appeal on behalf of western society


Hilary Mantel’s fantasy about killing Thatcher is funny. Honest

A review of ‘The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher: Stories’, by Hilary Mantel. There’s a lot of horror, plenty of wraiths and a fair bit of humour in these contemporary short stories


Arts feature

The camera always lies

Stephen Bayley explores how the camera shapes our relationship with architecture

‘Rain, Steam and Speed — The Great Western Railway’, 1844, by J.M.W. Turner


Tate Britain’s Turner show reveals an old master - though the Spectator didn’t think so at the time

It also reveals a painter more concerned with the world around him than with formal abstraction

‘14.11.65’ by John Hoyland

Arts feature

Is John Hoyland the new Turner?

And will Hoyland-obsessive Damien Hirst’s most lasting achievement be as a curator?


Robo-Tell hits Welsh National Opera

Plus: more satisfying Rossini at the Royal Opera House

Rosamund Pike and family (L-R) Harriet Turnbull, Emilia Jones and Bobby Smalldridge


Outnumbered: The Movie (But Crap)

The duo behind the hit BBC sitcom have had a disastrously off day with What We Did On Our Holiday

Culture Buff

Culture Buff

It all began in the mid-1960s for the Brilliant Creatures: Germaine, Clive, Barry & Bob, now given de luxe treatment…

‘Modern Family’, 2014, byEd Fornieles,at Chisenhale Gallery


‘Likes’, lacquered cherry pies and Anselm Kiefer: the weird world of post-internet art

The work of Austin Lee and Ed Fornieles embodies what culture might be were it filtered entirely through social media

Portrait of a couple as Isaac and Rebecca, known as ‘The Jewish Bride’, c.1665, by Rembrandt


Why everyone loves Rembrandt

Whether with subject matter, paint or the palette knife, the 17th century Dutch master was a magician

Doctor Scroggy’s War (Photo: Mark Douet)


Charles III is made for numbskulls by numbskulls

Plus: no less dramatic illiteracy is to be found in Howard Brenton’s Doctor Scroggy’s War at Shakespeare’s Globe


Marriage and foreplay Sharia-style

Plus: James Walton finds a cunning combination of familiar elements in BBC1’s drama The Driver


High life

My ghosts of Athens; a shooting and a royal wedding

The good times might return if the monarchy were restored

Real life

Melissa Kite: a crazy woman is living inside my head.

Is this what they mean by change of life empowerment?


2181: Obit II

The 19 of a great 1A of 6 and for the 1D occurred in 37 25 years ago this month.…

Crossword solution

To 2178: Saint and playwright

In Vanity Fair (18/2), George Osborne is associated with 6/30 and 10/31. As Chancellor, he was preceded by 8, 26…

Low life

A visit to a drugs den above a fishmongers with Miss South America

Where I met a charming bunch of drug-addled wasters and reprobates



There aren’t many instantly recognisable stars in the bridge world, but Andrew Robson is definitely one — as he was…


Scotch miss

This week, a tribute to the one major Scottish contribution to chess, the invention of the Scotch game, later to…

Chess puzzle

No. 333

White to play. This position is from Yu–Ganguly, Indonesia 2012. This encounter also started with the Scotch Game opening. Both…


Prose poem

In Competition No. 2866 you were invited to pick a well-known poem and write a short story with the same…

Status anxiety

My hormones are all over the place. It must be the manopause

Women spend ten days a year in a grumpy mood, according to the Daily Mail. The top triggers include being…

Red or white… or nothing

Dear Mary

Dear Mary: How can I sneak into a talk my son is giving without him seeing me?

Plus: If you don’t like wearing high heels, why not stand on a block of wood?

Mind your language

Dot Wordsworth on language: Why do we call it ‘Islamic State’?

‘Islamic’ is debatable and so is ‘state’; yet the media drops the definite article