The Spectator

7 August 2021 Aus

True lies

Feel like you’re hallucinating? It’s only ‘active measures’

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Leading article Australia

Fossil fuels fuel gold, silver & bronze

As Australians quite rightly revel in our multiple successes at the Tokyo Olympics where we are not only ranked (at…

Australian Columnists

Brown Study

Brown Study

It was very odd that last week, when all the nightclubs and gin palaces of Melbourne were closed, a new…

Australian Features

Features Australia

Waging the war on Covid

Masked pharmocrats calling the shots

Features Australia

Business/Robbery, etc.

ScoMo ducks a loseable stoush over super

Features Australia

Is Grattan. Is Good.

Is our lack of reform really ‘gridlock’ or simply the rejection of dud policies?

Features Australia

Hart was right

An old text sheds new light on our lockdown laws

Features Australia

True lies

Feel like you’re hallucinating? It’s only ‘active measures’

Features Australia

No longer creative destruction

Instead, we have destructive incompetence


Notes on...

The awe-inspiring appeal of aquariums

Fish tanks were probably first conceived in the distant past by the Chinese, but in many respects, aquariums are a…


Italians are seeing red over the Covid ‘Green Pass’

Italy’s Covid certificate is dividing the country


I was held to ransom by hackers

I was held to ransom by hackers


Why I gave up writing fiction

When, three years ago, I announced my retirement from writing fiction, the only thing that surprised me was the surprise…


My failed attempts to be a good Samaritan

Being a good Samaritan is harder than it seems

The Week

Portrait of the week

Portrait of the week: Vouchers for vaccines, cases rise in China and a Christmas baby for Boris and Carrie

Home After the number of people ‘pinged’ (alerted by an NHS Covid-19 app) neared 700,000, the app was adjusted so…


Which industries have the most workers still furloughed?

Happy valet Police Scotland dropped what they said was a randomly generated codeword — ‘Bunter’ — for the security operation…

Leading article

Why is the mild West afraid to promote its democratic values?

An athlete seeking sanctuary in a foreign embassy after a state–sponsored attempt to spirit her home from the Olympics; a…


Letters: The problem with the ‘alpha migrants’

Here illegally Sir: Unfortunately, Charlotte Eagar misses the point (‘The alpha migrants’, 31 July). The Channel migrants may be ‘bright…

Ancient and modern

Simone Biles, Plutarch and an Olympic trial

The outstanding gymnast Simone Biles has pulled out of several Olympic events, saying: ‘I just don’t trust myself as much…


Should Simone Biles listen to Novak Djokovic?

I’ve always been a Spectator reader, so I’m delighted to be writing a diary about the Olympics from Tokyo. My…



Putting the commie in committee

Last month an epidemiologist called Professor Michael Baker described the UK government’s decision to free its people from Covid restrictions…

Any other business

Is it time for a Dad’s Army of lorry drivers?

Here’s a patriotic proposal: let’s form a Dad’s Army of lorry drivers, of which the Road Haulage Association reckons there’s…


How Nextdoor became the new Neighbourhood Watch

Long before the official numbers began to rise, back in 2014, it was clear that knife crime was on the…


Don’t pick a fight with the SNP

Since the Holyrood elections in May, the campaign for Scottish independence has been noticeably quiet. But that is about to…

The Spectator's Notes

Chris Packham’s suggestions to save the world

On Monday 2 August, the BBC Today programme offered its ‘Countdown to COP26’. For the rest of the month, Amol…


The path to re-enchantment

Most social occasions now seem to kick off with a wasted hour or two. The time is spent discussing Covid:…


More from Books

Lucy Ellmann is angry about everything, especially men

Is Lucy Ellmann serious? On the one hand, yes, very. The novel she published before this collection of essays was…

Lead book review

An interest in the bizarre helps keep melancholy at bay

Philip Hensher finds Robert Burton’s perception of the world and the human condition endlessly fascinating

More from Books

The AI future looks positively rosy

In the future, men enjoying illicit private pleasures with their intelligent sexbots might be surprised to find that even women…

More from Books

The Cambridge Greek Lexicon is an eye-opener for classical scholars

The great Latinist D.R. Shackleton Bailey was once said to have been pinned into a corner at a party and…

More from Books

When family viewing was full of creeping menace

Strange, really, that the scheduled output of traditional broadcasters became known as ‘terrestrial’ television, given that TV is an etheric…

More from Books

Startlingly sadistic: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, by Quentin Tarantino, reviewed

There’s no doubt that Quentin Tarantino is a movie director of brilliance, if not genius. But can he write? Well…

More from Books

A true bohemian: the story of Nico’s rise and fall

It is well established that artists are not always the nicest people. On the surface, the life of the model,…

More from Books

Gay abandon: Filthy Animals, by Brandon Taylor, reviewed

What does it mean to be a body in this world? It’s the question animating Brandon Taylor’s Filthy Animals. Our…

More from Books

Heroes and villains of the pandemic in America

The most alarming aspect of living in America is the recurring sensation that no one is in charge. This is…

More from Books

To appreciate Finnegans Wake you must hear its sounds and rhythms

‘How good you are in explosition!’ The first ever unabridged recording of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake is a monumental achievement…

More from Books

The complex character of Tricky Dick

In this Age of Trump, as we cast about for some moment in American history that might help us make…

More from Books

Funeral gatecrasher: The Black Dress, by Deborah Moggach, reviewed

Here is a rare dud from the usually reliable Deborah Moggach. Her protagonist, Pru, finds herself alone at 69 after…


Australian Arts

Rose Byrne

‘Unemployed at last!’ That wonderful bit of national self-mockery that opens the classic Australian novel Such is Life takes on…


Ian McKellen is riveting: Hamlet, at Theatre Royal Windsor, reviewed

Ian McKellen in his early eighties plays the Dane in his mid-twenties. A production with such a strange innovation should…

Arts feature

The history of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane is the theatrical history of England

The newly renovated Theatre Royal Drury Lane has seen it all and staged it all, says Robert Gore-Langton


Mesmerising and monstrous: @zola reviewed

The distinction between on and offline life blurred long ago. The greatest spats, sexual self-fashionings and mad soliloquies now unfurl…


Hugely pleasurable – a vision of summer: Jennifer Packer at the Serpentine Gallery reviewed

We need to talk about Eric. In Jennifer Packer’s portrait of her friend and fellow artist, Eric N. Mack sits…


When musical collaborations go right – and when they go horribly wrong

Big Red Machine release their second album later this month. It’s a fine name for ten tonnes of agricultural apparatus…


Switch over to Eurosport: BBC's Olympic coverage reviewed

I’ve not been allowed anywhere near the TV remote control this week because of some kind of infernal sporting event…


Ecstasy from Birmingham Opera Company: Wagner's RhineGold reviewed

At the end of Birmingham Opera Company’s RhineGold, as the gods stood ready to enter Valhalla, Donner swung a baseball…


A podcast that listens to what anti-vaxxers think rather than lecturing them

Work is our new religion. There are people whose primary job is writing listicles of celebrity gossip, illustrated with gifs…


Aussie Life

Aussie Life

The voiceover says new ABC series Ms Represented is all about Australian women in politics but really it’s all about…

Aussie Life

Aussie Language

When Kaylee McKeown won Olympic gold her comment on worldwide television became the headline. Her sister and mum were watching…

Chess puzzle

No. 665

White to play. Adhiban–Delgado Ramirez, Sochi 2021. White has more than one good move, but Adhiban found a spectacular way…


The Fide World Cup

As I write this, the Fide World Cup is underway in Sochi, the Black Sea resort in Russia which hosted…

Spectator sport

What would Avery Ice Age have made of the Tokyo Olympics?

Avery Brundage was known to his enemies as Avery Ice Age — and to quite a few of his friends…


2518: Make a run for it?

11 Across (three words) is a phrase suggested by the puzzle’s title explaining how to arrive at the other unclued…

No sacred cows

Have my suits shrunk in lockdown?

I hadn’t noticed how much weight I’d put on during lockdown until I went out for a business lunch a…

Dear Mary

Dear Mary: How do we tell our interior designer relative we don’t want her doing up our house?

Q. I’ve just completed a six-month paid internship for a hedge fund manager. I was mostly in his private office…

Crossword solution

2515: Paragon - solution

The name was Margaret, whose various versions are suggested by THE SPECTATOR (1: Mag), BARN OWL (10/36: Madge), LEAD HAMMER…


Spectator competition winners: poems inspired by the phonetic alphabet

In Competition No. 3210, you were invited to provide a poem or a piece of prose containing words from the…


Bridge | 7 August 2021

To be a killer bridge player, you need to be aggressive. Many of us are hampered by timidity, especially when…

Low life

The art of losing your hair

Although fatigued to the point of catatonia, and sitting there like a 19th-century Fang funeral mask, I am glad to…

High life

An elegy on yachting

Patmos A very long time ago I wrote in these here pages that spending a summer on the Riviera or…

The turf

Proper racing is back at last

At last proper racing is back. Through the long days of lockdown horses and jockeys have still given their all…

Real life

The lost dogs of Surrey

The woman pulled up in her flashy 4×4 which was meandering along the farm track in that way people have…

Mind your language

The dirty truth about ‘wash-up’

‘They asked me if I wanted to wash up before we even went in to dinner,’ my husband recalled with…


High on the hog: The Pig at Bridge Place reviewed

The Pig at Bridge Place is not a pig in possession of a country house, but I would be for…