Bonnie Prince Charlie

Scrawled outpourings of love and defiance

13 April 2024 9:00 am

Examples of 18th-century graffiti range from romantic rhymes scratched on windowpanes to the haunting marks of political prisoners incised on dungeon walls

The Duke of Cumberland takes centre stage at Culloden

Culloden: the bloody end of the Jacobite dream

6 February 2016 9:00 am

What a wretched lot the Stuarts were, the later ones especially, the males at least. James II fled England without…

‘Marie-Anne Françoise Liotard with a Doll’, c.1744, by Jean-Etienne Liotard

The forgotten Swiss portraitist and his extraordinary pastels: Jean-Etienne Liotard at the Scottish National Gallery reviewed

8 August 2015 9:00 am

This is not the biggest exhibition at Edinburgh and it will not be the best attended but it may be…