We will find out in a few days whether Brexit will happen
There is probably now just a week or so from the end of the Tory conference for Boris Johnson to…
Portrait of the week: A Supreme Court ruling, Labour’s messy conference and Donald Trump’s ‘impeachment’
Home Eleven justices of the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that in advising the Queen to prorogue parliament ‘the Prime Minister’s…
Would the Athenians have held a second referendum?
The Athenians invented the referendum: after debate in the citizens’ assembly, they voted through all political decisions by a show…
The rule of law has become the rule of lawyers
Is that enormous silver spider that Lady Hale wore her badge of office? If so, it is appropriate. The Supreme…
There is only one law: there must be no Brexit
You’re surprised? Really? What are you surprised by? The specifics — that 11 non-elected, mostly public-school-educated judges, and doubtlessly Remainers…
The torture chamber: how opposition MPs plan to humiliate Boris
When Jeremy Corbyn declared at Labour conference that his party would only allow an election once no deal had been…
‘Cameron was a bloody good prime minister’: Michael Gove interviewed
Michael Gove stands in front of an empty throne in the magnificent Cabinet Office room. George III was the last…
The rise of the Brexitainers
The Union Jack is flying on the front of my house. After a long discussion with the local council, planning…
The balance of power in our constitution has been lost
Until recently, we used to comfort ourselves with the thought that the United Kingdom’s uncodified constitution was a great national…
Brexit voters do feel betrayed. So why can’t Boris say so?
Rarely has there been such a flagrant display of hypocrisy and cant as there was in the House of Commons…
Two flaws in the Supreme Court’s verdict
Now that more experts have had time to study the ruling, the legal validity of the Supreme Court decision on…
Brexiteers should cheer the Supreme Court
Ignore, with great respect, the people telling you today that the justices of the Supreme Court have waded into politics,…
Boris Johnson would be foolish to underestimate Labour
In the next election, as in the last one, McDonnellism will prove a serious challenge to the Tories. John McDonnell,…
It’s no surprise that Brexit looks doomed
I have a friend who insists that he takes little interest in politics. Even so, the other evening he came…
Portrait of the week: EU negotiations, genderless babies and Brexit in court
Home ‘I will uphold the constitution, I will obey the law, but we will come out on 31 October,’ Boris…
Nick Robinson: Am I the new John Humphrys?
The nation is deeply divided. We can, it seems, talk of almost nothing else. Passions could scarcely be higher. No…
David Cameron would be a winner in Ancient Greece
David Cameron is convinced he was right to call a referendum and to promise to enact it. Justifiably: there was…
Letters: parliament has a responsibility to stop Brexit
Parliament’s responsibility Sir: I always enjoy reading the intelligent and outspoken Lionel Shriver. But her latest article (14 September) puts…
Why there’s still a chance of a deal
One of the reasons why Boris Johnson is Prime Minister is that he is an optimist. After the negativity of…
Judgment day: the danger of courts taking over politics
Who runs Britain? When Boris Johnson’s lawyers made their case in front of the Supreme Court this week, defending his…
I was a Remainer – but I now want no deal
When I told two neighbours that I had become a no-deal Brexiter they physically recoiled from me. ‘You can’t.’ ‘But…
What Brexiteers can teach Remoaners about good manners
‘If we are going to Westminster to riot,’ I told my Brexit-voting friends over dinner at the Thai restaurant at…
Revealed: The Brexit deal Boris Johnson wants
The shape of the Brexit fix that Boris Johnson wants from the EU’s 27 leaders is now clear. Here it is: In…