Care homes
The government’s social care reform plans don’t add up
The government’s social care reform plans are all wrong
Lockdown killed my mother – and thousands like her
Lockdown killed my mother – and thousands like her
Letters: The unfairness of ‘free care for all’
Taking care Sir: I agree completely with Leo McKinstry that care for parents should be paid out of their estate…
The hidden death toll of lockdown
The last patient I treated was 105 years old. She has lived through two world wars, a depression and at…
It’s shameful how we have locked down our elderly
There’s a lot I don’t know about care home visits during this pandemic. I don’t know how straightforward it would…
Boris Johnson’s human shield
At a Conservative party conference fringe event last Sunday, Lord Bethell, a health minister, was asked where he thought Britain…
How Covid spread in Sweden's care homes
Why did Covid prove so lethal in care homes? Between 2 March and 12 June, there were 66,112 deaths of…
How Britain lost the war against coronavirus
The art of corona warfare
Letters: What Hong Kong really needs from Britain
Hong Kong’s future Sir: So we have a moral duty to protect the people of Hong Kong and guide them…
Letters: It’s not so easy to boycott Chinese goods
Jobs for all Sir: Charles Bazlington championed Universal Basic Income in last week’s magazine (Letters, 9 May). It is welcome…
Letters: The toilet paper stockpile that lasted 80 years
The case for small homes Sir: Your editorial rightly highlights what must be one of the government’s priorities once the…
The NHS has been protected – care homes have not
As the NHS was preparing for the Covid onslaught, thousands of hospital patients were discharged to care homes in an…
The truth behind 'do not resuscitate' orders
Coronavirus is revealing many good things about our society: the number of people willing to volunteer to help tackle the outbreak…
Stop chasing the PM’s taxes: focus on the bad stuff that really matters
There were moments last week when I was ready to give up journalism and retrain in a less unsavoury profession…