To 2136: Howdunit
Six of the unclued entries contained the Cluedo character surnames; the remaining unclued entries were therefore a murder weapon and…
2138: Hundred centimes
The unclued lights, across and down respectively, are of a kind, all verifiable in Chambers. Across 4 Single…
To 2135: Strange
The unclued lights are CONDUCTORS (SARGENT is an anagram of the title STRANGE). First prize Roderick Rhodes, Goldsborough, North…
2137: Speculation
Each of two associated words is suggested by four unclued lights (one of two words). Elsewhere, ignore an accent. …
To 2134: Mere letters
The pairs of anagrams were of countries and their capitals: Dominica & Roseau (2 & 11); Latvia & Riga (20…
2136: Howdunit
Six of the unclued entries (one of three words, three of two words and one hyphened; all in Chambers apart…
To 2133: FM
Initial letters of superfluous words in clues give titles of ALBUMS (29D) by FLEETWOOD MAC (39). 8A, 25, 33 and…
2135: Strange
The unclued lights are of a kind. Across 1 Remains close to the co-founder of the Townswomen’s…
2132: Ricochet
The unclued lights, when paired 12/20, 16/33, 25/29, 31/6, 42/2, are RICOCHET or reduplicated words. First prize Mrs Rhiannon…
2134: Mere letters
Each unclued across light can be paired with a down one (one hyphened). Each member of a pair is an…
To 2131: present
Redundant words were: IRAQI (1A), ADO (5A), AENEAS (39A), EPEE (5D), AREA (25D). In line with 16/17, remaining unclued lights…
2133: FM
All except four clues contain a superfluous word each. Initial letters of these words spell the titles of four 29D…
To 2130: Elusive
Extra letters in clues give the assertion by HOUSMAN (31) that ‘I could no more define poetry than a terrier…
2132: Ricochet
The unclued Across lights, when correctly paired with the unclued Down ones, are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer. …
to 2129: DUMPYNOSE
The unclued lights (1A, 1D/36, 4/31D, 5/27, 15/16A, 16D, 25A/40, 42 are each the PSEUDONYM (anagram of ‘Dumpynose’) of a…
2131: Present
16/17 (four words in total) is a work by 11 which suggests the remaining unclued lights. Five clues contain a…
Solution to 2128: carbon copy
The puzzle marked a DOUBLE TON (42/27) by DUMPYNOSE (11) in THE SPECTATOR (17/19). Remaining unclued lights suggest a DOUBLETON:…
2130: Elusive
Each of 23 clues comprises a definition part and a hidden consecutive jumble of the answer including one extra letter.…
Solution to 2127: Dire straits
Twelve unclued lights are names of ARTISTS which are ANAGRAMS (9) of superfluous words in clues. First prize E.…
2129: Dumpynose
The unclued lights, individually (each of two words), or paired, are of a specific kind, verifiable in Brewer 17th Edition…
To 2126: Word Building
The chain of anagrams is as follows: 40, 8, 18, 25, 22, 23, 21D, 19, 1A First prize Robert…
2128: Carbon copy
This puzzle marks a 42/27 by 11 in 17/19. Five other unclued lights (one twice hyphened) together suggest another form…
Solution to 2125: Nil desperandum
The part quotation was ‘BUT WESTWARD, LOOK, THE LAND’ (1/5/28) from Say not the struggle naught availeth by Arthur Hugh Clough.…
2127: Dire straits
Each of twelve clues contains a superfluous word. 9 of these words are unclued lights, which are of a kind. …
To 2124: Pack
Seven unclued lights are STUFFED ANIMALS (13 18) — i.e. deer, horse, anoa, cat, seal, tup and boar, filled with…