Didn't deserve an Oscar: Coda reviewed
This year the Oscar for best film went to the drama Coda– ‘Child of Deaf Adults’ – but the ceremony…
All hell breaks loose when our senses go haywire
Jesus is a Malteser. You might say I’m a liar or accuse me of the most egregious heresy, but the…
Alcohol is the perfect cure for deafness
New York A busy ten days, or nights rather, with some heroic drinking thrown in for good measure. Hangovers…
Nick Coleman hears better with half an ear than the rest of us do with two
If you’ve ever had a text or email thread spiral wildly and unexpectedly out of control or clocked a couple…
Raising awareness for enraged ‘victims’ always ends in lunacy
The deaf are beginning to annoy me. They seem, paradoxically, more voluble than the blind. Perhaps this is because, understandably,…
My deafness has become an impediment to domestic harmony
Most people, when asked if they would rather be deaf or blind, say they would rather be deaf. I would…