The secret to a great service station
A couple of months ago, an invitation arrived. Would I like a room at the Savoy for the Baftas? I…
Don’t bribe your dog with treats
‘Do NOT look Lulu in the eye. Keep your voice low and soft and ignore her barking. Do NOT make…
Letters: why the Tories need to lose
Back to blue Sir: What a pity your leading article (‘The valley of death’, 25 May) did not reach Downing…
Who has the worst voice in parliament?
For the first time in more than two decades we are dog-less, and the house feels horribly empty. Our Patterdale…
The naming of cats
It took a long time for cats to gain the same serious status as dogs, but by the 18th century they were starting to have personalities, says Kathryn Hughes
Joe Biden’s dog is out of control
I was shocked to read about the behaviour of Joe Biden’s dog, Commander. According to a CNN report based on…
How an animal psychic helped find a missing dog
The missing dog and the animal psychic
How I lost my Hungarian Vizsla, Leo, to the Dangerous Dogs Act
Not everyone welcomed Rishi Sunak’s announcement last week that he would ban the XL Bully under the Dangerous Dogs Act.…
Is your pet killing the planet?
Having a pet is worse for the planet than flying
The insane craze for dog ice-cream
During the few hot days we had in June, I came across my first tub of dog ice-cream nestled among…
You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how unpleasant this is: Strays reviewed
Based on the poster showing two cute dogs – a border terrier and a Boston terrier – I had assumed…
Canine manners have gone to the dogs
‘Do you want me to put my dog on the lead?’ shouted the woman on her phone, as she came…
In defence of badgers
My dog was bitten by an adder last week. Jessie had been snuffling around in bracken a few yards from…
Her Majesty’s enduring love of dogs and horses
Her Majesty’s love of dogs and horses
A short history of dogs in war
In his own inimitable way, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has unleashed his dogs of war on Vladimir Putin and once…
Can I really be turning 80?
A princess of Hanover wrote in her diary: ‘My 30th birthday. There must be some mistake.’ Substitute 30th for 80th…
It's hard not to pity Ghislaine Maxwell
It’s hard not to feel a batsqueak of pity for Ghislaine Maxwell — 500 days and counting in solitary confinement.…
Who let the dog out?
Caroline and I are just back from a weekend break in Scotland and, nice though it was, I hadn’t realised…
Lame and formulaic: Black Widow reviewed
Black Widow is the latest Marvel film and although I’d sworn off these films a while ago, due to sheer…
My battle to be top dog
Even a small dog can be quite high maintenance. No, I’m not talking about Mali, our one-year-old cavapoochon, but Bertie,…
Dear Mary: How do we stop our friends’ dogs wrecking our house?
Q. We have old friends who live in the northern hinterlands and have a property in Provence where they normally…
How not to walk a dog
Watching a woman driving a dog past my house like a carthorse is just another ‘new normal’ of lockdown. This…
Are Wall Street’s ‘Spacs’ about to make waves in the City?
This column generally takes a sceptical view of financial novelties and gimmicks. So my antennae have twitched in recent days…