Flat White
NZ hate speech laws: legislation is no antidote to hate
Time has been called on overhauling ‘hate speech laws’ in New Zealand. After sitting in Labour’s manifesto for years, and…
Cashed-up, come-hither politics
Getting the nation moronically into debt to placate Covid panic merchants may be the best thing the Liberals have done…
Land release: the solution to the NSW housing crisis?
Are rising housing prices putting the future of Australian society under threat? Edmund Burke famously said that society was a…
Democrat Dan – copying notes from the US midterms
Two dominant key messages helped the US Democratic Party avoid the predicted ‘red wave’ in that country’s mid-term elections a…
G20 leaders declare global digital health network
Following the conclusion of the G20 summit held in Bali last week, a joint declaration was issued which, among other things,…
Australia’s Woke World Cup
As the child of proud ethnic immigrants, some of my best memories come from watching my country’s national football team.…
Dear Victoria
Dear Victoria, This is it… The approaching state election is what the rest of the nation has been anticipating for…
Climate fools are a corporate pandemic
Really, this should be a weekly column, but I fear writing about fools that often might do my head in.…
Cop27: turning climate into an economic weapon
Before our leaders get carried away with the Cairo Climate Conference 2022 and start imposing economic losses on those (me…
Conversion therapy legislation: trick or treat?
‘One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I don’t know.’ I am…
Don’t trust me, I’m a doctor
I was recently accused of lying. This was a little hard to swallow as it was over a directly referenced…
Dan Andrews’ shame: the Melbourne we remember
I had hoped I wouldn’t be drawn to re-read David Satter’s It Was a Long Time Ago and it Never Happened…
Eco-crazy: where does this end?
One of the few bright spots during the early phase of the Covid pandemic was the sight of a smiling 99-year-old…
A hill to die on
In July 2021, when ‘vaccine passports’ were still a crazy conspiracy theory, I wrote an article for The Spectator Australia arguing that Australia must…
Victoria: the Upper House matters
Don’t look down on the Upper House Victorian voters have started numbering the boxes to determine who will run the…
The cult of Daniel Andrews
Peta Credlin’s documentary, The Cult of Daniel Andrews, is a must-watch and does an excellent job in three respects. First, it…
Biden-unhinged: is Musk a threat to national security?
The United States government’s investigation into Elon Musk now comes with a potential ‘domestic terrorist’ toe-tag. When asked if the…
Trump won’t change, but the world will
An uncharacteristically reserved Donald Trump took to the Mar-a-Lago stage on Tuesday night. Perhaps smarting from a less-than-stellar turn by…
Cut the fat in the curriculum
The recent release of the 2022 NAPLAN results were met with a collective sigh of relief from governments and the…
The sin of masculinity
The importance of the presumption of innocence was highlighted last week. Virginia Giuffre, who alleged she was trafficked by Jeffrey…
Our retreat from rational economics
In today’s world, government spending accounts for up to and (in the EU) over 50 per cent of GDP –…
Who voted for wealth redistribution to save the planet?
Politicians of all stripes and in all Western countries have been obediently parroting the official IPCC line that Climate Change…
Environmental pollution, are we winning?
As the COP27 gabfest continues it is also appropriate to consider other aspects of the environment that perhaps need greater…
My thoughts about school, politics, and the vaccine
School is a great place to be with friends and learn new skills. I am a student in Year 7…
Fear saved the Democrats
‘Democracy is on the ballot, this election.’ This was the lie that parted the red sea and helped turn an…