Flat White
Social Justice and the end of civility
How activists and academics justify hateful speech as an ‘act of postcolonial resistance’
Has your eco-anxiety got the better of you?
Are you suffering from a bout of eco-anxiety? Do you feel angry and infuriated about the lack of Climate Change…
Has Faruqi forgotten Islam’s colonising history?
In the first televised Christmas Broadcast in 1957, a young Queen Elizabeth II said something remarkably prescient and poignant: ‘The trouble is…
The Queen: symbolic and mythical
The Queen has died after a reign longer than any other. Many people have found themselves touched by her death,…
The next tax raid in the super wars
The bigger the super pot, the more vulnerable it is to tax raids
‘Bubonic plague’ preferable to union rule
The Christmas and New Year family feasts were still ambling their way through my digestive system when I noted (from…
Senator Faruqi, heal thyself
On the morning of the announcement of the death of the much-loved and widely admired Queen Elizabeth II, Greens Deputy…
Affirmation – or else!
Jailing teachers over pronouns seems a little extreme
‘Voice’ to radically reshape government
Under-developed ‘Voice’ proposal a recipe for lawfare and division
A little fun while Trooping the Colour
For every ADF recruit, there was a precise moment when they ceased to be a civilian and became a member…
Elizabeth II: the greatest of monarchs
The Queen is dead. Long live the King. These are the words that must be uttered upon the death of…
Today is a significant anniversary
Saturday September 10 marks the anniversary of the banning of prescription of Ivermectin for Covid by our Therapeutic Good Administration…
The good and faithful servant Queen
‘Her Majesty The Queen’. With two male monarchs lined up to follow King Charles III, these four words are unlikely…
Christmas without the Queen will never be the same
For most of my life, I’ve tuned in to the Queen’s Christmas message. Her observations on the year gone would…
16 reasons why you need to buy an electric car
You have a penchant for Tolstoy, but never got around to reading War and Peace. Now you can devour this…
Duty, service, and change: vale Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Philip, it was said, had one duty above all others – to never let the Queen down. Her Majesty,…
Vale Her Majesty The Queen
The Spectator Australia is deeply saddened and shaken by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at 96 after…
Show us the evidence, Minister
The climate alarmism of Parliament is starting to melt
I feel, therefore I am
The trans debate is not about rights, it is about truth
Catholic schools defy gender ‘affirmation’ laws
The Catholic church showed real courage this week issuing advice to its schools to avoid sending kids for irreversible ‘gender…
Pakistan’s flood marks the return of ‘Climate Change’
As the media become increasingly bored by Covid, it is time to return to an old favourite… The temperature is…
My government turned me into an ‘anti-vaxxer’
A government power grab created the anti-vax movement
Can you hear me yet?
From Prime Minister Albanese – and so many of his cohorts – to media muppets loitering at every point of…
Dear Prime Minister, I am confused
It might just be me, but I am confused about the first 100 days of our new Australian Prime Minister.…
The Territory Gap leaves Indigenous communities at a loss
The Northern Territory has the worst economic outcomes for Indigenous people in remote or very remote locations of any state…