Flat White
Kerr and Whitlam’s unfilled advisory role to the Governor-General
In the autumn of 1975, the then Governor-General, Sir John Kerr, put a proposal to Prime Minister Gough Whitlam for…
What just happened in PNG?!
A troubling election in difficult times as Beijing creeps closer to the Pacific
Classrooms: an ideological battleground
The effects of leftist ideology that has infiltrated classrooms is damaging and should be of concern to every parent. Much…
Bingeing on safety is dangerous
My two-year-old daughter has had a shocking cold with a chesty cough for a few days now and it just…
Groan of Arc
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt – as the flames rose to her Roman nose – Bigmouth strikes…
Society is going to the dogs … and cats
The sexual revolution has brought us to ... this ... a brave new world?
Queensland disciplines its vaccine dissidents
Just when you thought we were finally through with vaccine-based discrimination, Queensland has managed to pull another absurd stunt. In…
Ben Falconer’s loss highlights WA’s terrible laws
Senior Constable Ben Falconer’s challenge to the mandatory vaccine directions of the Chief Health Officer for Western Australia and the…
Do the Libs have a ‘women problem’?
About 200 Liberal Party members attended in Western Australia a meeting that was described as a ‘polite discussion on party…
The unions are back in town
Following the 2022 election, there are already signs of an increase in union influence, with Labor’s planned closure of the…
Girls’ schools are for girls
When I was at University, I took old-fashioned Women’s Studies. We used to study things like the ways women become…
Christianity told to bow to Woke
There’s an old definition of news that goes like this: ‘If a dog bites a man, that’s not news. But…
Fighting back
Every day, men are mown down by petty bureaucrats revelling in their feminist-bestowed power to crush ordinary blokes. With my…
The Harbour Bridge is rusting
The Sydney Harbour Bridge is rusting. The corrosion reveals how we are failing to preserve what has been handed down…
Welcome to Country: have we worn out our welcome?
Now that the Labor-Green alliance has formed a government, Prime Minister Albanese has informed us a referendum is needed to…
The bastards of Australia’s pandemic tyranny
The behaviour demonstrated by political leaders and public health officials within Western democracies will linger to their eternal shame. There…
Chairman Dan’s antipodean Venezuela
In her media realise dated August 17 and headed ‘Applications Open for Premier’s Spirit of Democracy Tour’, Minister Natalie Hutchins…
Salman Rushdie: a history of violence
In the classic Hitchcock film The Birds, there is an early scene where the protagonist notices a raven standing on the…
Paying for the pandemic welfare state
We need to stop looking to the government to resolve all of our problems – especially since many of our…
The public protection paradox
How poor healthcare regulation can harm citizens
The ‘progressive’ Holy Trinity is far from divine
The Manly Sea Eagles rainbow jersey saga represents the new ‘progressive’ Holy Trinity of diversity, inclusion, and equality with a…
A republican Liberal is oxymoronic
I didn’t think this was possible, but even more indictments were levelled against Scott Morrison last week – something about him…
We reap what we sow
You reap what you sow, as St Paul once said. Thanks to Israel Folau, we know that St Paul said…
McGowan’s bid for total control
It is to the 19th century British historian, politician, and moralist Lord Acton that we owe the phrase: ‘Power tends…
The leadership qualities of a long-dead parrot
‘Be careful what you say,’ said my friend, ‘this guy is fanatical about the local colony of parrots and if…