Flat White

Indefinite detention is the Australian way, Mr Littleproud?

26 September 2021 1:39 pm

And the Julia Gillard Award for Hyperbole (pronounced hyperbowl) goes to Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud. He believes the Melbourne…

No, New Zealand is not Aotearoa

26 September 2021 12:00 pm

“Create your own pepeha to celebrate te wiki o te reo movement.” Given that estimates range between about 4% and…

Why is Victoria heading down a dead end street with prostitution law reform?

24 September 2021 3:33 pm

New South Wales model of decriminalisation and deregulation of prostitution has failed to protect workers in the sex industry while empowering…

Keating, Turnbull and Rudd: the new Three Stooges

24 September 2021 1:18 pm

Three questions in today’s quiz: Who couldn’t care less about party or national loyalties once the prime ministerial pension kicks…

We salute the Trotskyite press (sorta)

24 September 2021 12:10 pm

First The Age called the Melbourne protests correctly. Now, even the Trotskyites have made points worth noting. Red Flag, their…

Australia’s vaccine mandates: a violation of international law?

24 September 2021 4:00 am

The Covid-19 Directions adopted by Australia’s governments have the effect of violating the rule of law when they excessively interfere…

Now it’s the great vape conspiracy

23 September 2021 5:28 pm

The ongoing conflation of vaping and tobacco industry e-cigarettes is an intentional misdirection and a dangerous one.  The strongest observation…

Why is Victoria Police fighting media freedom?

23 September 2021 12:00 pm

Whatever your views on the Melbourne protests, here’s something you should be concerned about: the attack on media freedom –and transparency…

Limiting access for the unvaxed to public places will likely breach the Disability Discrimination Act

23 September 2021 4:00 am

Your correspondent is a retired lawyer who these days prefers gardening to litigating. Spring in the Victorian High Country is…

Unis still stinging students while claiming Covid-poverty

22 September 2021 6:41 pm

In the era of Covid-19, change is everywhere. I have spent the past 18 months adapting to the Covid-19 university experience.…

The US will help mend fences with France – but climate may be the price

22 September 2021 3:49 pm

Around the time of the April 2016 submarine announcement – a contest between Germany, Japan and France – there was…

We salute The Age

22 September 2021 2:00 pm

You read that right. We salute The Age. Bravo! Three cheers for The Age! We could not have bettered their…

What to do when you live under a despotic government?

22 September 2021 12:09 pm

Our Morning Double Shot editor takes a different view than I on the relationship between law and morality when it…

The rule of law is cracking in Victoria – and so is the Labor establishment

22 September 2021 4:00 am

Victoria, but perhaps more specifically Melbourne, is in serious trouble. Law and order is not just breaking down, it’s already cracked.  When a supporter of…

Passport to hell

21 September 2021 5:21 pm

Let’s be frank.  If a vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission, there is no scientific basis for a vaccine…

The deplorables down under

21 September 2021 3:04 pm

There’s a whiff of les gllets jaunes in the Melbourne air today. That and the smell of flares. For more…

If we’re all such good friends and allies, there’ll be no carbon tariffs? Right?

21 September 2021 1:09 pm

Almost daily, supposedly pro-business outlets publish material calling for net zero emissions, carbon taxes and the abandonment of coal in…

Don’t pity those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the French

21 September 2021 11:28 am

Witnessing the melodramatic outpouring of Gallic histrionics at Australia’s surprise but masterstroke decision to ditch the overblown, over-budget and already…

‘Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive’

21 September 2021 4:00 am

When it comes to recognising and calling out oppression and tyranny CS Lewis hits the nail on the head.  His…

Coronavirus has become endemic, making Australia’s policy settings obsolete

20 September 2021 7:01 pm

A major study from the National Bureau of Economic Research in June, based on all-causes mortality data from 44 countries and all US…

EXCLUSIVE: Vaccination status to be linked to Working with Children Check?

20 September 2021 5:56 pm

Flat White understands that the New South Wales Working with Children Check may soon be linked to an individual’s current…

The human rights establishment’s greatest priority? A closed shop

20 September 2021 4:40 pm

When you hear that 85 human rights experts have co-signed a public letter to the federal attorney-general one could only assume that…

Two good submarine decisions – but we need nuclear boats now 

20 September 2021 12:00 pm

The Australian federal government has made two good decisions on our submarine future. Continuing the ridiculous contract with the French…

We are all losers from the Christian Porter affair

20 September 2021 11:00 am

Yesterday, embattled Christian Porter resigned from the Morrison cabinet, as he could not prove there is no conflict of interest…

Why our fiscal situation is much worse than you think

20 September 2021 4:00 am

According to the latest International Monetary Fund data, Australia’s budget deficit and level of public debt are set to reach…