Flat White
National Cabinet should not be secret
National Cabinet has provided enormous power to state and territory leaders with very little accountability for their decisions in managing…
The bald and the bonkers
How quickly we forget. Gladys Berejiklian had her ‘sliding doors’ moment with Matt Kean a year into her premiership. Kean…
Their ABC teaches students about “systemic racism”
Abraham Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in…
Vaccine mandates breach the Disability Discrimination Act? I’ve lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission to see
A couple of weeks back your correspondent paused his gardening to point out that the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)…
Bodies with vaginas? Women want their sex back
The phrase “adding insult to injury” has never been so appropriate as in the treatment of women by the progressive…
The Catholic Church’s Plenary Council: another case of ‘reform, reform’ – aren’t things bad enough already?
This week, 280 bishops, clergy and laypeople will convene in a Plenary Council to consider issues that will have a…
Ten questions for the incoming NSW premier
This article was to be titled “Ten Questions for Gladys Berejiklian”, but … well, there you go. Much ink will inevitably be…
Victoria, the Venezuela of the South
Such was the ineptitude and mismanagement when Joan Kirner was Victoria’s Premier the state become known as the Albania of the south…
Here comes Perrottet, here comes the sectarian bigotry
Forty days and 40 nights? Alas, it appears that the downpour of sectarian bigotry that’s begun as it become clearer…
Our political ecosystem is full of collaborationist whores
The Great Covid Oppression has made it very clear that the political ecosystem is populated by people who talk about…
Matt Kean: not as bad as Labor?
Attempting to pick the next premier of New South Wales is a bit like working through a packet of jellybeans.…
Norm Macdonald – exceptionally normal
Norm Macdonald, that plain-speaking Canadian comic who died this month, aged 61, showed us how to respond with humour and…
I don’t like Pauline Hanson – but don’t like her being censored
I hold no brief for P Hanson who is a vacuous, shallow opportunist. Neither do I know Jessica Rowe who,…
Send the Glasgow climate and canapés conference to Iceland
November’s COP 26 meeting should be shifted from Glasgow in Scotland to Reykjavík in Iceland. Twenty-five previous meetings of this…
The Peoples Republic of Westralia ♥️ the Peoples Republic of China
Western Australia is increasingly a country of its own under Mark McGowan, so we shouldn’t be surprised that it’s pursuing…
Gladys goes. Will the NSW government?
How Gladys Berejiklian has fallen. It’s been just five months from her The woman who saved Australia front page of the…
Liberty demands the state respect religion
While the commonwealth government is yet to table the revised version of its Freedom of Religion Bill there’s no doubt…
Mandatory vaccination is a human rights violation. A gross violation
Mandating or coercing COVID vaccination is one of the most important civil liberties issues of my lifetime. It’s a fundamental…
Beware a blind charge to net-zero emissions
In the prologue to the UN Glasgow meeting on climate change, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has been preparing the ground for…
Freedom of choice has been cancelled and will cost lives from tomorrow
Policymakers have impinged on the freedoms of the most disadvantaged members of society – smokers. From 1 October 2021, it…
Snapshot Victoria: the State of Chaos
Victoria today: 242 days in lockdown; 11,018 active Covid cases; 1,438 new infections, 856 deaths Under 50% of the population…
Why the Jess Rowe Big Talk Show Podcast is too small to include Pauline Hanson
The Jess Rowe Big Talk Show Podcast is BIG but not big enough to include alternate views, apparently. Journalism is…
A royal commission into coronavirus? Be careful what you wish for
Some former politicians and commentators are suggesting there be an ‘independent’ review in the form of a royal commission to…
Big Tech has placed its bet – on the Genghis Khan of our time
The nineteenth-century Russian writer Alexander Herzen’s greatest fear when thinking about the future has come true. He said “What I’m…
Daniel Andrews gets the wooden spoon
It’s been a big week for Daniel Andrews. He has revealed that his “roadmap” out of lockdown is as reliable…