Flat White
Covid: time for our leaders to remember freedom has never been free
Australia’s leaders should take note: sometimes, doing the hard thing is worth considering. The easy thing is to wield one’s…
How long can the CCP dominate China?
The Chinese Communist Party is at the peak of its power as it enters its second century. But how long can it…
Time to show us the light at the end of the tunnel, Dan
The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (aka Chairman Dan) after over a year and a half has finally offered to provide…
Finally, some sense on subs
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has long signalled he was open to ending a ban on nuclear power in Australia. He…
Local leftists think Joe Biden’s senility is a scream
Less than 35 years ago the Australian left — and their colleagues around the world — were always warning us…
South Australia’s Covid app: the last straw
Communist China is amassing unrivalled amounts of individual and company data as part of its plans to build a “social…
Make choking women bad again
I am going to comment on a fight I didn’t watch — I’m not sorry, can’t bear to watch. I…
Orthodox Church attacks Gladys and Dan
On a day where one particular faith has been targeted in unprecedented ways, with residents in Melbourne’s “Bagel Belt” taking…
Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers meet Sir John Kerr
An interesting development in American politics emerged yesterday in a book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of the Washington…
There’s so much wrong with Anthony Albanese’s ‘Green ANZUS’
Rehearsing what he says is Labor’s long commitment to the American alliance, Anthony Albanese has sought to modernise this, saying, “ On…
Britain rediscovers liberal democracy over vaccine passports – while Australia trashes it
As noted in yesterday’s Morning Double Shot newsletter, in Britain and Australia we have two countries, two contrasting approaches to…
Gladys versus God
Churches cannot — and must not — comply with health orders that require them to exclude unvaccinated people from worship…
REVEALED: How woke bureaucrats used the corona crisis to cancel women
While two-thirds of this country’s population is currently locked up at home and deprived of its fundamental freedoms, unelected bureaucrats…
It’s not only history. The left has captured literature too
Much of the recent debate about the school curriculum has focused on history teaching and events like the arrival of…
‘We managed to toilet train cows’
“We managed to toilet train cows (and they learned faster than a toddler). It could help combat climate change,” a…
Covid: the New World Order
Something dangerous has happened to Australia. We have allowed the interests of ‘collective health’ to erase individual human rights. It…
Dead reef? What dead reef?
Next time you read that such and such a percentage of the Great Barrier Reef has already been destroyed by…
Jacinda Ardern – an agenda-driven autocrat?
It’s hard to keep up with our adroit Prime Minister who apparently doesn’t like answering questions, such as the one about where does…
Lorraine Finlay, conservative governments and appointments
I want to point out a few short blunt truths about conservative governments and appointments to important posts such as…
Bravo, Boris: England vetos vaccine passports
“I’ve never liked the idea of saying to people, ‘You must show your papers’ … to do what is just…
Yes, we have an inequality problem – between the public and private sectors
In an interview with the American socialist Jacobin Magazine this month, Greens leader Adam Bandt spoke about a growing inequality crisis. When…
Saving our forests and controlling our climate
I’m all for saving forests. Unlike the climate change enthusiasts, I learnt how to do it by working as a…
Doctor Deathwish comes to Queensland
“Lying always comes before killing”, as Solzhenitsyn observed of the Stalin regime. Under the Labor administration in Queensland, it comes…
Carping Keneally on road to political oblivion
Just months from a possible December federal election, the Labor Party is doing what it does so well – knifing…
Jeff Kennett is right: Daniel Andrews can be defeated
Springtime may be brightening up the lives of Victorians, but the stage light is dimming on Premier Dan Andrews. Something…