Flat White

Is WorkSafe Victoria grossly incompetent – or is something else going on?

30 June 2021 4:00 am

We need to ask:  Is WorkSafe Victoria grossly incompetent or is something else going on?  Yesterday, June 29, 2021 was…

Vaccine segregation is an affront to liberty

29 June 2021 6:00 pm

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, supported by state premiers and territory chief ministers, is set to make the coronavirus vaccination mandatory…

Good Jon bad

29 June 2021 3:10 pm

Here’s an old writers trick that doesn’t involve moving to Tunisia and becoming a dope fiend. If you don’t want to say…

Tough love: NSW Lockdown 2.0 is very wrong

29 June 2021 1:01 pm

A regular series of rules for life by Pete Shmigel, a former senior state and federal political advisor and CEO…

Six steps ScoMo must make to take control of the Covid agenda

29 June 2021 11:15 am

Australia’s current WuFlu situation is not dire in world terms, yet from the reactions of federal, state and territory governments,…

Like the mighty Murray, Covid public policy insanity never runs dry 

29 June 2021 4:00 am

Here we go again. Let us sip once again, dear fellow citizens, from the bottomless well of public policy insanity…

Digital darkness: the third apocalypse

28 June 2021 7:19 pm

Humanity is only ever one blackout away from the caves. The more advanced and complicated a civilisation, the easier it…

Covid cavaliers forget the elderly

28 June 2021 4:55 pm

#GladysClusterFukup was trending on Twitter yesterday. That was no surprise. Like most of Twitter, it was driven by malice. But…

REVEALED: Inside the Dark Emu Wiki Wars

28 June 2021 3:00 pm

Readers may remember my abortive undercover mission in the People’s Republic of Wikipedia, specifically in the Protectorate of Dark Emu. …

The procrastination pandemic

28 June 2021 1:01 pm

It’s a dreary day again for Sydneysiders, who face a fortnight of lockdown, maybe more.   That’s despite the best efforts…

Blade Runner 2021?

28 June 2021 11:37 am

After all the lurid lies and speculation about Daniel Andrews’ stumble down those stairs, have we been missing the truly…

The West is Red?

28 June 2021 4:00 am

Just who really runs Western Australia? How long will it be until some Sam Dastyari-style scandal emerges in the state’s…

Dishonesty, thy name is Leftie

27 June 2021 6:01 pm

Now that two well-credentialed academics acceptable to the left have debunked Bruce Pascoe’s blindly acclaimed ‘history’ book Dark Emu as…

Jacinta Price: now for the real challenges

27 June 2021 2:57 pm

Jacinta Price has won the top spot on the Country Liberal Party’s Senate house ticket and, if usual electoral patterns…

Meet the Irukandji jellyfish: deadlier than coronavirus

27 June 2021 11:43 am

The Irukandji jellyfish, Wikipedia tells us, are any of several similar, extremely venomous species of box jellyfish. with a very…

Don’t burn the budget. Bring back the firesticks

26 June 2021 5:17 pm

New South Wales Treasurer Dominic Perrottet has announced the latest fix for our bushfire problems. Unsurprisingly it involves big spending.…

Getting Ridd of junk science 

25 June 2021 3:13 pm

As the High Court judges retire to consider the Science Case of the Year, Peter Ridd v James Cook University,…

Why don’t we hear about the $40,000 per household cost of decarbonisation?

25 June 2021 11:58 am

The Irish Times reports that an IMF study of Ireland estimates that the nation will need to spend 20 billion euros a…

When can conservatives disobey the law?

25 June 2021 4:00 am

The great English novelist Charles Dickens, based on his experiences, had a very dark view of lawyers and the legal…

It’s time to put power lines underground

24 June 2021 7:37 pm

In the Irish stronghold of south-west Victoria, St Patrick’s Day is a notable date on the celebration calendar.  Danny Boy…

An abundance of dread as Daniel Andrews’ comeback looms

24 June 2021 5:09 pm

In just days, the architect of one of the worst chapters in the life of Victoria (outside of war and…

It’s time outrage at sexual exploitation extended to prostitution

24 June 2021 3:34 pm

A story has surfaced about a prostitute in Adelaide who alleged she was raped after a male client removed his condom…

Time for a sports revolution: let’s have Gender of Origin

24 June 2021 12:14 pm

The SpecOz has already registered disgust at New Zealand male-born Laurel – formerly Gavin – Hubbard’s selection in the Kiwi…

How moderate immoderation is rocking the South Australian Liberals

24 June 2021 4:00 am

Something strange is happening to the Liberal Party in South Australia, long captured by the ascendant so-called “moderate” faction, led…

Why the Twits cannot be taken seriously

23 June 2021 7:09 pm

Did you see the recent Pew surveys in the United States about Twitter?  Twitter users make up under a tenth…