Flat White
Is this the most outrageous Covid scaremongering yet?
Have you noticed the latest scare tactic pushed in the Victorian press conferences? After 16 months of waiting for the…
If this is a global pandemic, why aren’t we loosening our chains like the rest of the world?
Sydneysiders, as a Victorian I know how red with anger you all are when your Premier gets up day after…
The last thing we need is a bill of rights
Over a century ago the great American jurist James Bradley Thayer warned against handing social policy decision-making over to the…
Big Public Health’s tobacco tactics haven’t worked with smoking. Why should they work with obesity?
I’m not one for personal criticism, even dumb, socialist, hypocritical, anti-everything Greens. But if I were, I would put public…
New polling: the emperor has no clothes
It’s official — or as official as it can be. The emperor — the Prime Minister, actually — has no…
It doesn’t matter what any government says: you are essential
One of the foundational concepts upon which western civilisation is built is the Judeo-Christian insistence that every human being is…
Australian schools need a tough love reboot
Pupils, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You choose. If Australia can’t improve our international K-12…
The only two figures you need to know in Newspoll today
One fascinating figure is missing from today’s Newspoll – the margin of error. As a quick glance at the table…
The Oldest Culture: Science
The third in a series of articles examining Dark Emu-style claims. These days we hear a lot about what a…
It’s Doctor Demento
Poor old John Hewson has been dumped as a columnist with the Nine chipwrappers for the great crime of being…
Lockdowns: last resort or first response?
Just two weeks ago, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a four-phase plan agreed upon by the federal and state leaders…
What has liberalism ever done for us?
Liberal civil society stands at a critical point where a choice must be made; whether to evict the barbarians from the citadel or…
IT’S BACK: What’s woke this week?
Does it seem to you that rather than falling slowly like Alice, we’re gathering speed in our plunge down the rabbit hole to Wokerland?…
Spectator Australia TV: why lockdowns destroy lives
On Counter Culture – why lockdowns destroy lives, with Professor Gigi Foster. Got something to add? Join the discussion and…
Fire! Fire! Fire!
The Spectator Australia’s Twitter account was suspended for 12 hours last night for the terrible sin of ‘violating community standards’. This…
Mark McGowan may have repented – but has reminded us of the threat to religious freedom in Australia
Yesterday, the Western Australian government backed down from its decision to cancel a booking made by Australian Christian Lobby to run…
The Member for Union Super?
The Labor member for Whitlam in New South Wales, Stephen Jones is morphing into the chief lobbyist for the super…
If the premiers are keeping us safe from the virus, who is keeping us safe from the premiers?
As if we needed more evidence that state premiers have become a law unto themselves, Daniel Andrews provided it today…
‘Feminists’ fighting the Liberal Party are making women collateral damage
How we frame political conversations is incredibly important, particularly when we are discussing a deeply personal topic like sexual harassment.…
What’s there to celebrate about Twitter’s fifteenth birthday?
Fifteen years ago, on July 15 2006 , Jack Dorsey launched Twitter. On that inaugural day, then 224 tweets were…
Meet the Covid billionaires
While the peasantry lick their wounds and shake the dwindling remnants of childhood piggy banks, there are plenty within the Covid…
Question everything
On learning about the extension to Sydney’s lockdown until the end of July, my mind broiled with one big question:…
The Oldest Culture: Mathematics
A series of articles examining Dark Emu-style claims. The study of mathematics has been in the news lately, with great…
Net zero emissions? That will be $3000 for each of you, each year
In a widely accepted assessment, Energy consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd. estimate the carbon price must rise to $160 per ton by…
Daniel Andrews is no longer just a threat to Victoria, but the nation as a whole
Stricken by all the attention being paid to New South Wales, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, joined the ABC’s 7.30 for…