Flat White

barack obama

Obama’s coup

22 February 2021 7:35 pm

In his riveting but deeply disturbing new book, The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President, investigative journalist…

Our staffer brats are just part of a deeper political malaise

22 February 2021 5:17 pm

It’s a pleasant surprise to read “The rise of the staffer brat” and see that at least someone agrees with…

The Australian Open booing: Daniel Andrews’ Ceausescu moment?

22 February 2021 1:31 pm

That barrage of boos echoing around Rod Laver Arena last night was the sound of propaganda meeting reality. Tennis Australia…

You what, Tanya?

22 February 2021 11:32 am

For the Twitterati, it’s just a given. Either Tanya Plibersek or Penny Wong is the righful prime minister. The Twitterati…

WA stink?

22 February 2021 4:00 am

The 1980s in Western Australia were heady days. Riding off the success of winning the rights to host the America’s…

An infectious history of Australia

21 February 2021 4:28 pm

Epidemics and pandemics of infectious disease have always played an important part in Australia’s history. Even so, until the advent…

Danandrewstan: where journalists now get arrested

21 February 2021 2:18 pm

The nation has had enough time over the past 12 months to form a clear impression of Victorian Premier Daniel…

India caged by China’s belts and roads

21 February 2021 7:00 am

Joe Biden’s decision to consider lifting sanctions on terrorist-operated Iran has lifted plenty of eyebrows.  The Iran nuclear deal never…

From the archive: The rise of the staffer brat

20 February 2021 7:23 pm

This article on the conduct of ministerial advisers first appeared in October 2016. It made such a mark that it…

The government is out of its depth in the Facebook fight

20 February 2021 2:06 pm

The Australian government is completely out of line and out of its depth in intervening in the media industry as,…

The woke wars have made it clear: celebrities aren’t philosophers

19 February 2021 4:05 pm

The latest Hollywood cancellation has raised the usual hackles. But the problem is that a vacuum in virtuous authority is…

A reality check for Kevin Rudd

19 February 2021 1:24 pm

In the days of Kevin Rudd’s rise, The Australian’s late, great Bill Leak used to draw him as Tin-Tin. No…

The West secedes – from reality

19 February 2021 4:00 am

Western Australians go to the polls in just over three weeks tomorrow, and despite the recent lockdown flap, Premier Mark…

Facebook gives our already battered creative industries another belting

18 February 2021 6:09 pm

In response to the proposed media bargaining laws, Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have banned Australian publishers from sharing and viewing…

What’s woke this week?

18 February 2021 4:49 pm

Woke stories have come in from all parts of the globe this week including Pittsburgh, Auckland and England. Read on to…

Facebook follies: Labor can’t tell their arse from their Albo

18 February 2021 1:11 pm

Labour communications Michelle Rowland, this morning: Make no mistake, the impact of the decision by Facebook today, which has been…

Why shouldn’t Facebook block news?

18 February 2021 11:12 am

Facebook warned us in September that they would block news. Today they have followed through on their word and you…

Immunity passports and the the Leviathan of public health despotism

18 February 2021 4:00 am

In his recent book Virus e Leviatano, the veteran Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli analyses how coronavirus has led to a form of health despotism replacing the rule of…

Ensuring a future for the humanities in Australia

17 February 2021 6:19 pm

Back in 1951, the great conservative institution-builder William F. Buckley Jr. wrote a book about Yale University. However, what he described occurring in New Haven would ultimately apply more…

Zucked! How to get your fresh SpecOz updates

17 February 2021 6:10 pm

Like the rest of the Australian media, our benevolent overlord Mark Zuckerberg has decided to exile us from his kingdom,…

Can Parliament House become a less ugly workplace?

17 February 2021 4:44 pm

Federal parliament this week has been rocked by revelations by a former adviser to the now Defence minister, Linda Reynolds,…

Victoria has no ‘hyper-infectious’ covid plague – and no accountable government

17 February 2021 2:37 pm

So the lockdown has been lifted and the Premier is letting us out. We can go outside without worrying about…

A warning on windpower from deep in the heart of Texas

17 February 2021 1:01 pm

Were the South Australian blackouts in 2016 precursors to those that have occurred in Texas during the past few days?   …

Meet the new generation of MPs plotting new paths to prosperity

17 February 2021 11:37 am

It seems with each passing year strong, principled, and individually held positions on issues economic, social, and political are being usurped by self-interest and…

Would you consider this is the most dangerous man in Australia?

17 February 2021 4:00 am

The most recent Covid lockdown of Victorians resulting from hotel quarantine failures must lead many to believe that the incumbent Victorian government is a…