Flat White

All this for one death all year?

26 May 2021 12:13 pm

Greater Melbourne has been hit again. Not so much this time by WuFlu, but more by heavy-handed officialdom and a…

Once were a democracy

26 May 2021 2:00 am

There is no doubt  New Zealand’s democracy is now under aggressive attack by the small minority of those of part-Maori…

How to really help the Palestinians

25 May 2021 7:15 pm

Facts no longer matter. If more Palestinians are being killed than Israelis then you need to help the Palestinians –…

The People’s Princess and the poobahs of public broadcasting

25 May 2021 5:02 pm

Goodbye England’s rose  May you ever grow in our hearts  You were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn…

The real miracle of Upper Hunter

25 May 2021 3:14 pm

“A Gladys Miracle”, the Sunday papers shouted. The miracle narrative has left the station. We will soon, no doubt, be adding “historic” and,…

Hello lockdown, my old friend

25 May 2021 1:04 pm

As of 6.00 pm this evening groups of five people in Greater Melbourne must wear masks outdoors while within 30…

Superannuation: taxed to death

25 May 2021 4:00 am

The superannuation guarantee requirement is set to increase from 9.5 per cent of a worker’s income to 10 per cent…

BMI, beetles, and beauty: what the body positivity movement gets right and wrong

24 May 2021 7:14 pm

Recently, I read two books of the same name but with very different content.   The first was Beauty by Bri…

Winning the war on woke in the armed forces

24 May 2021 5:11 pm

The American military is increasingly facing future armed with the attitude “If we’re going to lose a major war, at least…

What does the future hold for Malcolm Turnbull?

24 May 2021 3:30 pm

The Spectator Australia has been spelling out a simple truth for many years now: Malcolm Turnbull simply isn’t very good…

Just what does Scott Morrison stand for?

24 May 2021 1:52 pm

The term ‘liberal’ is confusing. In the United States it means a progressive, in Europe more of a classical liberal,…

Do women really want longer working hours?

24 May 2021 4:00 am

Parents of small children are all too familiar with the competing demands of family, child care and work. Each family…

Upper Hunter: Malcolm loses. Again

23 May 2021 2:47 pm

Pro-tip. If you’re going to back an independent candidate, perhaps don’t do it when there are 12 other people lining…

Spectator Australia TV: Terror apologists in the West

23 May 2021 11:59 am

This week on SpecOz TV and Counter Culture, Dr David Adler joins us with the real story of what is…

Daniel Andrews’ budget belts business already caught by Covid

23 May 2021 4:00 am

“There have been some big winners from the pandemic – and after a year defined by widespread sacrifice, it’s only…

The Bachelorette: now even woker than the Project

21 May 2021 2:39 pm

Channel Ten have announced that the next Bachelorette will be an indigenous bisexual woman, proving that crap television and inclusive…

A quick science story for today’s school strikers

21 May 2021 12:01 pm

Geologist and author Ian Plimer was the special guest on Paul Murray Live on Tuesday, in to talk about hydrogen…

Odd. Celebrities and woke corporates haven’t stopped the strife in the Middle East

21 May 2021 4:00 am

Celebrities and woke corporations have not done enough to end the violent conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. As the death…

What do we want? Rights for Rodents!

20 May 2021 6:02 pm

There was chaos in downtown Sydney this morning when a large group of animal activists descended on World Square, which houses the office of animal…

Our monetary mandarins must be reading the SpecOz

20 May 2021 4:43 pm

In March of this year, I wrote in this august publication:  For the economic benefit of the nation, let’s end this…

We can respect each other’s choices and beliefs… (allegedly)

20 May 2021 2:59 pm

We forget that the Greens are a party founded on opposition to renewable energy — Bob Brown wanted a coal-fired…

Why are bureaucrats against teaching children to save?

20 May 2021 4:00 am

All three of my children are/were part of the CBA’s school banking program, and I volunteered as the school banking coordinator…

The Red planet

19 May 2021 6:06 pm

The last thing Mars needs is Communism.  When the Zhurong rover landed on Mars in May 2021, it created a state…

So does Clementine Ford also endorse the Mad Mullahs’ views on women?

19 May 2021 3:43 pm

Clementine Ford is certainly an expert on conflict — picking or provoking fights, anyway — but we didn’t know this…

Jews pretending to support Israel

19 May 2021 1:41 pm

Israel is at war. I have many friends and relatives in Israel of all ages and they rush to assure me that…