Flat White

Celebrate Christmas

23 December 2020 5:00 am

Only two sleeps till Christmas and I just cannot wait.  I love Christmas. My fifth music album was all Christmas…

Merry Christmas corona chaos from the Premiers

22 December 2020 5:45 pm

State Premiers have rushed to support New South Wales in a show of national unity as authorities battle to control…

Why do politicians pretend they can wipe out the Wuhan virus?

22 December 2020 3:11 pm

Why do politicians so l often make decisions based not on judgement but on computer modelling?  This is notwithstanding the telling…

The Coate Report: This must never happen again. Really?

22 December 2020 12:25 pm

The Spectator Australia is first with the news. We have proved this time and again. Just yesterday, if proof were needed,…

Roll up, roll up for the 2020 Nanny State Awards – bigger and brassier than ever

22 December 2020 5:00 am

It’s never been difficult to find worthy contenders for the highly coveted Nanny State awards. But this year took nanny-stating…

Daniel Andrews: diminished, damned and disgraced

21 December 2020 3:37 pm

And so the 543-page final Report of the Coate Inquiry into Victoria’s deadly Covid-19 hotel quarantining has been tabled.  …

Doug Anthony: the original All Star goes out

21 December 2020 1:48 pm

The death over the weekend of former Country/National Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister, Doug Anthony, breaks the last link but…

What won’t be in the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco inquiry report today

21 December 2020 5:00 am

Justice Coate’s much-awaited final report of her inquiry into Victoria’s Covid-19 hotel quarantine program is due for release today.   If…

Unto them a child is born: the joylessness of secular faiths

20 December 2020 5:11 pm

While those committed to extreme forms of secularism argue religion, especially Christianity, must be abolished it’s ironic that at the same time they adopt many of the characteristics of the…

The Greens cult of no personality

20 December 2020 3:09 pm

Out today: yet another screed of delusion, distortion and deceit that the Greens pass off as their magazine. It’s only…

2020: The year in review with Alexandra Marshall

20 December 2020 5:00 am

If we have learned anything from 2020, it’s ‘don’t eat bats’. From Ebola to Covid, these winged Petri dishes have proved…

Woke and broke: what’s honourable about Victoria?

18 December 2020 5:31 pm

Time and common sense have appropriately bourne witness to the disappearance of centuries-old parliamentary extravagances such as gowns, wigs, frilly…

Meet the skinless chickens (AKA our university vice-chancellors)

18 December 2020 3:27 pm

Australia came to a fork in the road. The private sector went one way. The public sector the other, singing…

Clementine and Gillard? Together? Am I dreaming of a blight Christmas?

18 December 2020 1:16 pm

News headlines throughout 2020 have pretended to be concerned about the soaring male suicide rate.    We’ve seen the government allocate unprecedented…

The world demands courage, not cowardice

18 December 2020 5:00 am

The free world is looking to the United States with apprehension.  Since Churchill handed the mantle to Roosevelt, the US…

Government by the people but not for the people

17 December 2020 6:33 pm

I’m no doubt in a minority, but I believe that the American governing model, with a Montesquieu-ian separation of powers…

There’s no point saying we’re outperforming all advanced economies if you’re introducing job limiting laws, Josh

17 December 2020 5:06 pm

The Morrison government has introduced a new industrial relations bill to parliament, with their hopes set on getting rid of…

The other coronavirus toll

17 December 2020 12:22 pm

We know all too well about the coronavirus death toll, but what about its household and financial impact? Treasurer Josh…

The states have hijacked power policy - and activists are coming for the sceptic’s seats

17 December 2020 5:00 am

State governments have now taken control of electricity policy from the Commonwealth. Although state control potentially allows alternative approaches to…

Meet Dictator Dan’s Department of Fairness

16 December 2020 7:48 pm

To be honest I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  For all the spin-doctoring, the hundreds of thousands paid…

Bring out McGimp

16 December 2020 5:38 pm

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan isn’t a native sandgroper. He’s from Newcastle and only washed up in the West thanks…

Dr Jill and the importance of being qualified

16 December 2020 3:41 pm

Dr Jill wants to be Dr Phil, that is the question: whether you are a wanker for calling yourself a Doctor when you’re…

All meat is plant based

16 December 2020 1:32 pm

Wandering recently through an arcade popular with the green smoothie set, I saw a sign boasting: “Plant Based Meat”. Someone…

Victimhood Incorporated

16 December 2020 5:00 am

Thanks to Israeli scientists we now have a psychological profile of a large section of our population and the body politic: A…

Home ownership or super: the true retirement wealth issue

15 December 2020 7:59 pm

Another review of the retirement income system has come — and it seems, gone — without clearly having achieved its…