Flat White
Yassmin plays dress-ups
When she’s not busy disrespecting our servicemen and women, flouncing around her grand residency in Paris courtesy of the Australia Council, or recounting her generous grant dollars, Yassmin Abdel-Magied (YAM) is…
A brief history of absolute nonsense
Robert W Welch Jr was, shall we say, an interesting bloke. You might think that a chap who made a…
If a picture says a thousand words…
This weekend shot says it all in just two: Albo’s rooted. We have never seen the leader of a major…
Forget Super Bowl Sunday, it’s hyperbole month in Washington
“Like Lincoln, Biden comes to power at a time when a country is torn between conflicting visions of reality and…
Who remembers what happened last month?
Precisely one month ago today a truly extraordinary, appalling event occurred. Astonishingly, it seems few people can instantly bring to…
In defence of offence
It might be time to say something in defence of offence. In recent weeks the views of Craig Kelly, Israel Folau and…
The virus made us do it
Let’s be honest. Mr Morrison and the Coalition right now are offering us all the sort of interventionist, huge spending,…
Why does Facebook ban conservatives, but give the Mad F–king Witches red carpet treatment?
If your politics are right of centre, you are constantly criticised for pushing “conspiracy theories”. If you try to assert…
Our universities don’t need more money, but instead a focus on the fundamentals
Covid-19 has forced Australian universities to face a harsh reality: the international students who pad their bank accounts aren’t coming…
No, a great koala national park won’t help koalas
The only accurate information in Newcastle University’s newly touted “independent assessment” of koala conservation is the disclaimer: “no responsibility or liability for any information,…
What’s woke this week?
Animal crackers in my soup, racists and speciesists loop the loop, Gosh, oh gee, don’t I have fun, swallowing nonsense the woke…
Google and Facebook should abandon Australian news
Twenty-two years ago this year I first published On Line Opinion. We beat Crikey into cyberspace by a month or…
St George Illawarra tried to boost their premiership hopes recruiting Unapproved Opinions? Shocking!
I can’t wait for the NRL season to begin so I can watch my favourite opinions run out on the…
The Taiwan tango: a delicate dance for Australia
It is done. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr has been inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States and has his feet firmly…
It’s the right of Craig Kelly’s electorate to choose their MP, not the media
Tanya Plibersek underlined her leadership credential by buttonholing backbencher Craig Kelly in the Press Gallery corridors today, making sure journalists…
Move over, Dictator Dan: Marshal Mark is the new laughable Lord of the Lockdown
In his famous political discourse, The Republic, the great philosopher Plato deemed tyranny the “fourth and worst disorder of a state.”…
Please don’t eat me!
This just in. Scientists have taught spinach how to send emails. Idiots at MIT, who never watched enough sci-fi horror…
Vic Libs in a right muddle over Daniel Andrews’s conversion bill
It seems the Victorian Liberal-National Opposition is taking strategic advice from the same people who are advising embattled Collingwood Football…
Sprung! Meet our very own celebrity climate hypocrite
A fortnight ago it was Matt Damon. Now say hello to our very own celebrity climate hypocrite, Chris Hemsworth. Egregious…
An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: not as simple as some would have you believe
Advocates for an Indigenous Voice to parliament see the proposal for a legislated option merely as a stepping stone to radical constitutional…
Mothers of Sons fights for fair treatment of men and boys
Two years ago, a Canberra woman Sarah Jane Parkinson was sent to prison for making over 30 false rape and violence accusations against…
Daniel Andrews’ conversion laws: swimming against the tide
As the Victorian government stands poised to pass new laws based on LGBTI ideology, our global community is telling us…
Eddie McGuire tried to smoke an exploding cigar. Why is he surprised at what happened?
The Collingwood Football Club is like the man who ordered an exploding cigar and then smoked the exploding cigar only…
WA’s corona clampdown: all bluff – and blunder
If 2020 illustrated anything, it’s that there are far worse places than Western Australia to be trapped in. Sure, WA isn’t as fancy pants as places in the east but our beaches, food and weather are magnificent and you can…
The Greenhouse Effect vs. The Ultimo Effect
One of the most intelligent and insightful humans to have ever walked the face of the earth is American economist…