Flat White
Why don’t we take the lead tackling big tech’s election meddling?
Why do we as Australians concern ourselves with American politics? Well, they tend to export many ideas to us. The…
Yes, there’s a pandemic, but we have pushed our public finances past the point of no return
The perfect storm of more than a decade of fiscal mismanagement and a “once-in-a-century shock” — Treasurer Josh Frydenberg –…
The Morrison Government’s coronavirus response has broken Australian politics
The Morrison Government’s economic response plan to the coronavirus outbreak has effectively broken Australian politics. Up is down, water is…
What’s woke this week?
Racism has remained the backbone of wokedom this past week with stories from the unlikely realms of sleep and K-Pop. Not to be…
Why didn’t we leave the cheese alone – and tackle violence and sexual abuse in Indigenous communities instead?
I’ve managed to go through my whole not so short life without ever associating the name of Coon Cheese with…
Why the left has seized on political correctness and cancel culture
I first warned about the dangers of political correctness in the early 1990s after reading the American academic Dinesh D’Souza’s…
ScoMo and Josh: worse than Whitlam?
In delivering the economic and fiscal update on Thursday, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered on his promise of ‘eye-watering’ numbers. An…
A champion versus champion bigotry
Margaret Court is not only Australia’s greatest ever tennis player, but she is also proving to be something of a…
MasterChef is deeply, deeply racist. Apparently…
Next time an Asian makes the final of MasterChef, I’m turning the TV off. If my team – by which…
Coronavirus, climate and China: can we afford to fight three wars at once?
Australian politicians are trying to maintain their never-ending climate war on carbon fuels while waging a lockdown war on the…
Peter Ridd loses, we all lose
On 2 May 2018, Professor Peter Ridd was sacked by James Cook University for serious misconduct. It all started when…
The D10: decoupling from China
God knows there has not been much good news of any sort in 2020, so whatever there is deserves wider…
Coronavirus and the public toilet theory of human behaviour
Looking around the world, some of the nations first hit by Covid-19 are well on the road to economic recovery…
Peter Ridd and James Cook University: the Federal Court delivers a devastating blow against free speech
The Federal Court has devastating blow against mainstream Australians, against freedom of speech and against freedom of speech on climate…
Official: “Sport Australia has not defined the term ‘woman'”
Should women and girls have to share change rooms and toilets with people with male genitals? Is it okay for…
The other virus
The barbarians are not at the gate. The barbarians are manning the gate. And they decide who gets in and who stays in. …
Smoke clouding the judgement of health bureaucrats
There was a deafening roar last week caused by Australia’s tobacco control experts congratulating themselves on the latest national smoking results. You…
COVIDSafe is grossly flawed – an update
You read about it first in the SpecOz back on April 28 when I outlined the obvious limitations of the…
Is Dan Andrews using coronavirus as cover for war on the self-employed
Does Victorian Premier Dan Andrews’ want to make being your own boss illegal? There’s mounting evidence. With the second big…
Mad F***ing Boycotts
“There’s no such thing as cancel culture,” scream wide-eyed mad witches atop their broomsticks while simultaneously insisting that all middle-aged…
On radical centralism
It’s an interesting point in time when a non-ideological and non-partisan stance becomes radical. That seems to be the point…
Sorry Alan, but Modern Monetary Theory is a load of cobblers
Alan Kohler considers the current crisis provides the ideal laboratory for applying the catchily titled Modern Monetary Theory — MMT. …
Coronavirus can’t stop crazy social policies in Danandrewstan
Victoria’s new race-based parliament, The First Nation’s Assembly of Victoria, has voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution to establish a ‘Truth-Telling…
Who killed Red Pill lawyer Marc Angelucci – and why?
On the Saturday before last, July 11, just before 4 pm, my dear and wonderful friend Marc Angelucci was at…
Better targeted coronavirus cash is needed to avoid worse economic contagion
Tapering — rather than topping up — income support is key to sustainably and compassionately backing Australia’s vulnerable households and…