Flat White

EXCLUSIVE: Greens Senator ignores China’s belligerence; calls for cancellation of cooperation with US military during corona crisis

27 May 2020 5:42 pm

As China denigrates Australia in official state media, slaps restrictions on our exports, refuses to respond to Trade Minister Simon…

Exposed: the true scope of lockdown unemployment

27 May 2020 5:34 pm

The official unemployment rate released by the ABS hides the true impact of the lockdown measures on the economy and…

Here’s hoping ScoMo’s new consensus with the unions is not what it appears

27 May 2020 3:31 pm

Is Scott Morrison’s industrial reform agenda a serious attempt at industrial change, or is it #ScottyfromMarketing looking for a mechanism…

Wacky Wayne Swan brings paranoia to the poll in Eden-Monaro

27 May 2020 11:10 am

Are you ready, people? Tinfoil hats on? Teeth rotting nicely, fluoride-free? Anti 5G underwear secure? Right. Here are the highlights…

In a mental health crisis church controls don’t pass the pub test

27 May 2020 5:00 am

In New South Wales, pubs and clubs will soon be allowed to open for 50 people but churches will still…

So where’s the apology for laughing at workplace deaths, Clementine?

26 May 2020 6:21 pm

As the world knows now, Clementine Ford has (conditionally) apologised for her sidesplitter “Honestly, corona virus isn’t killing men fast…

Thanks for the speech, Prime Minister, but there is nothing normal about our ‘new normal’

26 May 2020 4:02 pm

As our world experiences vast arrays of change as a result of COVID-19, we keep hearing new phrases which albeit…

Meanwhile, in the Ultimo bubble…

26 May 2020 1:39 pm

We are tentatively emerging from lockdown, braving a pandemic of the likes we have not seen for a century, but…

Millennials have something serious to complain about

26 May 2020 11:00 am

While the worst health effects of coronavirus are suffered by the elderly, the brunt of economic pain inflicts the young.…

Colour me woke

26 May 2020 5:00 am

Crayola has launched a new range of crayons to represent 40 different skin tones and reflect ‘the full spectrum of human…

Believing ‘all women’ is a right-wing trap?

25 May 2020 6:56 pm

In a New York Times article last week, leading left-wing thinker Susan Faludi declared that the hashtag #BelieveWomen does not…

‘Nothing like what the public think it is’: Peter Ridd on the truth about climate change and ‘peer review’

25 May 2020 4:00 pm

Dr Peter Ridd speaks to Gideon Rozner about why ‘peer review’ is not necessarily the quality-control mechanism that the public has been…

Medicos should have shown more scepticism over lockdown

25 May 2020 1:02 pm

As a general rule, it might be fair to say that us doctors should be wary of politics. There are two sides to…

Recession. Clickbait fun?

25 May 2020 11:53 am

Recession. Fun for all the family, when Dad loses his job, Mum loses hers, the kids’ marks deteriorate under the…

Pacific Island states will not longer play the patsies for the climate alarmists

25 May 2020 5:00 am

Number eight in Craig Kelly’s series 20 reasons why the Wuhan Flu is the final nail in the climate alarmists’…

Still Sheean and the Navy get nothing 

24 May 2020 7:19 pm

Why is the government refusing to listen to the recommendation of its own inquiry for a Victoria Cross for Teddy…

After their $60 billion blunder will our shinybums start speaking English, not bureaucratese?

24 May 2020 3:45 pm

“Look, that’s the Treasury. That’s where they keep the money.” The dad was pointing out Canberra landmarks to his small…

Today’s left: “boiling babies” and “killing men”

24 May 2020 1:00 pm

All around the world, far-left lunatics are losing their appeal thanks to their uncontrollable, rising hatred.   It’s become a race…

How Canberra can open closed state borders

24 May 2020 11:41 am

It is unconstitutional to close borders between states, now that medical advice assures the Premiers that there is no scientific…

Now is maybe the time to start talking about God

24 May 2020 5:00 am

Writer Helen Garner, talking about a difficult time in her life, described a feeling that there was a column of…

Closed borders are unconstitutional – no question

23 May 2020 12:05 pm

You can’t argue that there is still a national coronavirus emergency that provides an exemption to Section 92 of the…

Why the time has come for national security hospitals

22 May 2020 3:49 pm

Catastrophes are sadly a part of life. Many cannot be prevented, but can at least be better handled than is…

Eden Monaro: will coronavirus campaigning skew the result?

22 May 2020 12:27 pm

The 2007 federal election was held in the early days of social media. Many a time when John Howard visited…

Why not replace politicians with the ‘experts’?

22 May 2020 5:00 am

Is it time to replace our elected politicians with non-elected experts? We have always voted representatives into public office. But…

Wolf Warriors or China’s whores?

21 May 2020 4:37 pm

The media has quickly adopted the romanticised term ‘wolf warriors’ for those who in reality should be termed China’s prostitutes.…