Flat White

Just what our schools need: Clementine Ford

10 February 2020 1:57 pm

Australian schools are struggling. Performance results are going backwards. In global terms, Australia is losing to Kazakhstan in the report…

Memo Canberra: stop your party games and get on with governing

10 February 2020 11:03 am

A week is a long time in politics.   Last week started with Bridget McKenzie becoming the Blockbuster Video of politics:…

How the rise of environmental politics is threatening traditional allegiances – and world trade

10 February 2020 5:00 am

Some 172 years ago Karl Marx opened the modern era of politics in proclaiming that a spectre was haunting Europe.…

Adam Bandt loves Frozen? But what about the climate emergency?

9 February 2020 3:21 pm

Yes, folks. It’s true. Adam Bandt loves Frozen. Or Frozen II, to be precise. The Greens leader has done what…

How Oxfam’s propaganda starves the poor

9 February 2020 12:48 pm

Interesting musings from the economist Maarten Boudry on the topic of inequality, in a post titled “Is extreme wealth a…

A friendly word to the Never Trumpers

8 February 2020 3:49 pm

In an article sure to sort the sheep from the goats, Dr Michael L Brown (who is about to tour…

Ms Nina Funnell

7 February 2020 4:20 pm

On January 30 The Spectator Australia published an online opinion piece by Ms Bettina Arndt containing references to journalist Ms Nina Funnell.…

It’s time to give enterprise bargaining the boot

7 February 2020 4:01 pm

ACTU secretary Sally McManus believes Australia’s enterprise bargaining system is “broken”. While Jennifer Westacott, CEO of the Business Council of Australia…

The irrational faith of the Church of Climate Catastrophe

7 February 2020 5:00 am

On Q&A on September 23 last year, Kerry O’Brien answered a question from an audience member about climate change. Speaking…

Wisdom at Railway Square

6 February 2020 6:09 pm

The incongruity made as much of an impact as the poster itself, on a wall along with a few other…

What’s woke this week?

6 February 2020 4:01 pm

Dinner parties, animal rights and newly defined crimes against Mother Nature top the list of woke stories this week. But…

Their ABC, biased? Nepotistic? Nah!

6 February 2020 12:00 pm

Richard Alston was minister for communications for around half the life of the Howard government. In that portfolio, he made…

The financial world is ignoring growth for greenwash

6 February 2020 5:00 am

Despite global economic headwinds, international institutions — often with exclusively economic missions —are increasingly sliding their priorities out of whack.…

The fury of the left, explained

5 February 2020 7:02 pm

In a recent Spectator Australia article and subsequent interviews with Alan Jones and Graham Richardson, I summarised that ‘eucalypts are…

Barnaby Joyce won’t go away

5 February 2020 1:35 pm

As soon as the recent Nationals leadership spill confirmed that Michael McCormack would remain the leader of the party by…

The night I saw the real Adam Bandt

5 February 2020 12:01 pm

It was the autumn of 2013 and the Australian car industry was struggling under the weight of currency parity with…

Don’t focus on the focus groups

5 February 2020 5:00 am

There is a way to win elections that has nothing to do with performance. I am reminded of this when…

The American left’s fill-tilt lunacy

4 February 2020 5:45 pm

The phrase “Liberalism is a mental disorder” can be dismissed as simply a conservative smear. But as the current election…

All you need to know about Adam Bandt in just three Tweets

4 February 2020 2:40 pm

What do you need to know about Adam Bandt? He’s a twit. A hard-left twit from the inner-city — such…

Mad Uncle Barnaby stays in the attic

4 February 2020 12:03 pm

Politics is the natural stage for egotists, narcissists and attention-seekers. So it was no surprise today to see Barnaby Joyce,…

They do it tough in Adam Bandt territory

4 February 2020 11:18 am

Eight hundred and fifty dollars for a table? And all the proceeds go towards? Still nothing about where the proceeds…

Where’s that mojo, ScoMo?

4 February 2020 5:00 am

Talk about testing times. In the lead up to the federal election last May, Scott Morrison made an artform of…

In Canberra tonight: WTFF?

3 February 2020 9:44 pm

Welcome to the most bizarre night in Australian politics since the well-refreshed Tasmanian Liberal Bruce Goodluck wandered into an evening…

Palestinian leaders prefer to keep their people suffering to peace. Again

3 February 2020 7:45 pm

So, the Arab League has rejected the latest United States Middle East Peace Plan. So, what’s new, I hear you…

For once, just once, Richard Di Natale has made the right decision

3 February 2020 5:11 pm

Richard Di Natale this morning announced his retirement from politics, and his reasons make me want to stand up and…