Flat White

We need a natural disaster supremo – and Tony Abbott’s the man for the job

8 January 2020 5:00 am

As catastrophic bushfires continue to rage across south-eastern Australia, as property continues to burn, human and animal lives continue to…

The Greens: cashing in on death and destruction

7 January 2020 6:03 pm

It’s an ill wind and all that — and the Greens are certainly making hay while the bush burns. Only…

Ricky Gervais wakes the woke

7 January 2020 2:38 pm

Ricky Gervais, putative hero of the common man, was at his acerbic best at the Golden Globes, laying down a…

Fighting fire with fires

7 January 2020 12:44 pm

The fire-lighter was the most powerful tool that early humans brought to Australia. Fires lit by Aboriginal men and women…

Dear vegans, you don’t have more rights than any udders

7 January 2020 5:00 am

Democracy allows choice and freedom.  From the land that has finally delivered Brexit, the next battleground is as eye–raising as…

Tragic, but unprecedented? Not yet

6 January 2020 4:57 pm

The word unprecedented is applied to almost every bad thing that happens at the moment, as though particular events could…

The 2020s: the new age of profligacy

6 January 2020 2:05 pm

Fiscal profligacy is breaking out all over. Australia is an exception, but many other countries have given up on efforts…

How does hate and hysteria help?

6 January 2020 5:00 am

If you’ve managed to avoid the cesspit of social media so far this year, a quick word of advice –…

We don’t just have a bushfire crisis. We have an arson crisis, too

4 January 2020 7:03 pm

According to my calculations and estimates, the number of individuals around Australia whose arson has contributed to the current bushfire…

The Soleimani assassination is Donald Trump’s biggest gamble yet

3 January 2020 7:31 pm

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president on a non-military interventionist platform, sceptics have questioned his commitment to withdrawing troops…

Donald Trump: making sex great again

3 January 2020 5:00 am

The Dow Jones is up, US unemployment is down, wages are rising, manufacturing jobs are returning. And now this: A recent…

Luvvie Laura and the(ir) ABC’s problem with abusive behaviour

1 January 2020 2:44 pm

In November, the(ir) ABC, ran an episode of Q&A which condoned violence. On November 4, Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy justified violence…

Gypsy Geraldina’s 2020 visions

1 January 2020 12:01 am

Most people don’t know this, but in a previous life my fame was legendary. As Gypsy Geraldina, queen of the fortune tellers,…

Why celebrating the New Year is good for your soul

31 December 2019 11:57 am

The meaning of most holidays is clear: Valentine’s Day celebrates romance; Thanksgiving, productivity; Anzac Day the soldiers who protect us…

Climate is a cop-out. Political pissants are to blame for our bushfire crisis

30 December 2019 5:00 am

Matt Kean, the New South Wales Minister for the Environment, recently blamed climate change for the current bushfires in Australia.  He…

Tony Abbott: Why I changed my mind about multiculturalism

28 December 2019 8:01 pm

Spectator writers, past and present, were asked: ‘When have you changed your mind?’ Here is Tony Abbott’s response: A rather…

Fluid factism grips the world

27 December 2019 5:00 am

For holiday reading I have dived into non-fiction books filled with facts and hard evidence (cod, salt, volcanoes, earthquakes), to…

10 reasons why Santa Claus is a Communist

24 December 2019 7:07 pm

Bah-humbug! Sorry people to snow on your parade (or should it be “sorry, snowflakes to rain on your parade”) but…

Stuff the diversity warriors and say it loud, say it proud: Merry Christmas!

22 December 2019 6:53 pm

An outfit called the Diversity Council claims to be the place to go for advice on diversity and inclusion in…

ScoMo might have pulled off an election miracle, but he’s not a weather god

22 December 2019 10:35 am

Scott Morrison has cut short his Hawaiian holiday to inhale some Sydney air, which is pretty much the only thing…

A Christmas Message

20 December 2019 6:08 pm

As a quiet Australian, it seems that hardly a week has gone by this year without someone telling me I’m racist,…

The Top 10 Tweets of 2019

20 December 2019 4:01 pm

Well, it’s been quite a year on social media. And true to form, the cesspool of human opinion that is…

Madrid: the climate catastrophe juggernaut trundles on

20 December 2019 1:40 pm

As well as nation-states, an astonishing well-funded 2,330 NGOs, many with multiple delegates, fronted up to this month’s Madrid climate…

What’s woke this Christmas?

20 December 2019 5:00 am

It’s the week before Christmas and this is the last postcard from the paradise of woke for 2019. We thought…

Facebook censors call accurate MLK paraphrase “partly false”

19 December 2019 9:14 pm

I have a collection of inspiring quotes gleaned from the interwebs which I share to promote the philosophy of the…