Flat White
The Koronavirus Keystone Kops threaten our health and our liberty
In the space of just a few weeks, the rule of law in Australia has both triumphed in the High…
Be warned: the Twits are already going to Pell and back
Any journalist who says they would not have wanted the first exclusive post-prison with Cardinal George Pell after his release…
A corona communique to Pirate Pete and pals: how about we fix federation before trying a republic?
It was former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating who supposedly said ‘Never get between a Premier and a bag of…
Students are starting school online this week – only to face a Ruddy mess
Nobody could have predicted the demands of this year’s schooling transformation, but we could — indeed should — have been…
Coronavirus reminds us: there is always the opportunity to relieve suffering
There is suddenly a lot of panic over the number of ventilators available in Australia. Likely provoked by headlines around…
George Pell – and when justice and compassion collide
Cardinal George Pell’s acquittal by the High Court of Australia of all criminal charges raises questions which demand serious answers.…
Tim Brooke-Taylor: not just a Goodie
When I heard this morning that Tim-Brooke Taylor had been taken by the despicable coronavirus, I could have been knocked…
Hell’s Pell: the High Court has ruled, but the media demonisation continues
The recent High Court decision which unanimously upheld the appeal of George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision…
Adam Bandt’s Easter miracle
It’s a miracle! We’ve shown you all those recent “Coronavirus communications” from the Greens that are nothing but shameless fundraising…
Easter brings what we so want: life and hope
How will we emerge from the new shadow of death hanging over our world? The threat was at first climate change and now…
We must ensure our liberties are returned as swiftly as they have been taken
On March 30, New South Wales went to bed in a liberal democracy and woke up in a police state…
How Christ’s cruel death has a special resonance today
“Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God.” That’s how the…
Wait until we emerge from shelter – and see the economic damage done
If we think of coronavirus as a severe tropical cyclone, when it passes and we venture outside to survey the…
The Pell ruling: imperfect, but if you want moral police and moral courts try Iran
On Tuesday, the High Court of Australia unanimously granted Cardinal George Pell leave to appeal to the High Court and…
Enjoy your long weekend, fines for straying too far from home or playing too close to the kids – and double demerits if you dare to drive
Scott Morrison’s massive $130 billion JobKeeper subsidy package shows how determined the government is to ‘do whatever it takes’ to…
What’s woke this High Court ruling?
Spare a thought for all the keyboard opinionistas out there who believe they’re the reincarnation of Cicero, Clarence Darrow and…
What do we really know about the true incidence, distribution – and possible control – of coronavirus?
What do we really know about the true epidemiology — the incidence, distribution and possible control — of coronavirus? One…
‘We’re all in this together’ and other myths of the corona crisis
Here are a couple of the myths, the untruths, we are being told about this coronavirus crisis. Firstly, ‘We are…
The rule of law has been restored
It took no more than a tweet from Chief Justice, Susan Kiefel, to deliver a massive defeat for the ‘guilt by…
Never let a serious crisis lead to waste
Rahm Emanuel’s GFC quip about not wasting a crisis is resonating in the pandemic debate. Now as a news commentator,…
Why it’s wrong to claim George Pell “won … on a legal technicality”
The High Court ruling on George Pell is a testament to the integrity of our legal system. It shows that…
The George Pell coverage proves it: the(ir) ABC is a national disgrace, a national embarrassment — and an international joke.
Here is a video of the Vice-Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University, Greg Craven — universally regarded as one of…
If we’re really all in this together, here are some suggestions
It’s been quite the fortnight for Australia. The economy has been all but shut down, thousands have lost their jobs,…
The George Pell travesty is over. Now journalists, politicians and courts all stand condemned
Today’s High Court decision which unanimously—seven to zero—upheld the appeal of Cardinal George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s…
Help workers, not fund managers. Abolish compulsory super
With coronavirus and the government responses to it ravaging the country, there has never been a better time to abolish…