Flat White

Luvvie Laura and the(ir) ABC’s problem with abusive behaviour

1 January 2020 2:44 pm

In November, the(ir) ABC, ran an episode of Q&A which condoned violence. On November 4, Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy justified violence…

Gypsy Geraldina’s 2020 visions

1 January 2020 12:01 am

Most people don’t know this, but in a previous life my fame was legendary. As Gypsy Geraldina, queen of the fortune tellers,…

Why celebrating the New Year is good for your soul

31 December 2019 11:57 am

The meaning of most holidays is clear: Valentine’s Day celebrates romance; Thanksgiving, productivity; Anzac Day the soldiers who protect us…

Climate is a cop-out. Political pissants are to blame for our bushfire crisis

30 December 2019 5:00 am

Matt Kean, the New South Wales Minister for the Environment, recently blamed climate change for the current bushfires in Australia.  He…

Tony Abbott: Why I changed my mind about multiculturalism

28 December 2019 8:01 pm

Spectator writers, past and present, were asked: ‘When have you changed your mind?’ Here is Tony Abbott’s response: A rather…

Fluid factism grips the world

27 December 2019 5:00 am

For holiday reading I have dived into non-fiction books filled with facts and hard evidence (cod, salt, volcanoes, earthquakes), to…

10 reasons why Santa Claus is a Communist

24 December 2019 7:07 pm

Bah-humbug! Sorry people to snow on your parade (or should it be “sorry, snowflakes to rain on your parade”) but…

Stuff the diversity warriors and say it loud, say it proud: Merry Christmas!

22 December 2019 6:53 pm

An outfit called the Diversity Council claims to be the place to go for advice on diversity and inclusion in…

ScoMo might have pulled off an election miracle, but he’s not a weather god

22 December 2019 10:35 am

Scott Morrison has cut short his Hawaiian holiday to inhale some Sydney air, which is pretty much the only thing…

A Christmas Message

20 December 2019 6:08 pm

As a quiet Australian, it seems that hardly a week has gone by this year without someone telling me I’m racist,…

The Top 10 Tweets of 2019

20 December 2019 4:01 pm

Well, it’s been quite a year on social media. And true to form, the cesspool of human opinion that is…

Madrid: the climate catastrophe juggernaut trundles on

20 December 2019 1:40 pm

As well as nation-states, an astonishing well-funded 2,330 NGOs, many with multiple delegates, fronted up to this month’s Madrid climate…

What’s woke this Christmas?

20 December 2019 5:00 am

It’s the week before Christmas and this is the last postcard from the paradise of woke for 2019. We thought…

Facebook censors call accurate MLK paraphrase “partly false”

19 December 2019 9:14 pm

I have a collection of inspiring quotes gleaned from the interwebs which I share to promote the philosophy of the…

Twenty reasons Trump will win again in 2020 – bigly

19 December 2019 2:41 pm

From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New…

Clouds block the dawn light as Dan Andrews’ corroboree of jobbery first meets

19 December 2019 12:04 pm

Victoria’s First People’s Assembly sat for the first time last week, with the Doric colonnade of Parliament House welcoming a veritable corroboree…

So, ‘is fragile masculinity the biggest obstacle to climate action’, just like the ABC tells us?

19 December 2019 5:00 am

Dear Taxpayer, I weep for thee.  The ABC started this week with an article titled ‘Is fragile masculinity the biggest…

Web wizards on the ACCC toothless tiger, its digital platforms inquiry and regulating Google

18 December 2019 8:00 pm

At the end of each year, we digital marketers morph into futurists that predict what the next twelve months look like.…

Vegans’ charity status slaughtered

18 December 2019 6:16 pm

In April an activist group called “Vegan Rising” refused to move even an inch when they crowded the normally busy…

Baracking for the ladies

18 December 2019 4:01 pm

Barack Obama at a private function in Singapore recently: Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but…

Unto us another child is born

18 December 2019 12:03 pm

“It’s quite humbug to say that this is not a ridiculing of the founder of the Christian religion and of…

Boris Johnson’s forgotten people?

17 December 2019 7:16 pm

With an ascendant, centre-right leader triumphing over an avowedly socialist opponent in an epoch-making general election, just as Robert Menzies…

Putin is cackling as the Democrats debauch democracy

17 December 2019 4:00 pm

The brutal, brazen and belligerent partisanship of the Democrats in their grubby attempt — soon to be failed attempt —…

Putting the Christ back into politics: a Christmas message for the PM

17 December 2019 12:00 pm

Dear Prime Minister I trust you will not take offence at my presuming to give you advice, particularly since your…

Here’s a news year resolution for the ABC and the leftie media: reject all violence

17 December 2019 5:00 am

Who decided some violence was more equal than others?   The streets of London have erupted as violent socialist protestors clash…