Flat White

Superannuation isn’t working: full stop

29 July 2019 9:45 am

It has been an article of faith on the left for several years that one of the best things that…

EXCLUSIVE: New NSW Liberal abortion push overrides checks and balances

28 July 2019 6:13 pm

New South Wales Liberals seem set to hide behind a left-wing independent to rush through a full decriminalisation of abortion,…

Drugs in sport? Let’s go all the way

28 July 2019 5:04 pm

In light of the recently renewed drama between Aussie swimmer Mack Horton and Chinese champion Sun Yang, there has been…

Essington Lewis: I am Woke

28 July 2019 2:11 pm

Legend has it that at the financial end of Collins Street where all the smart people go to beg there…

L L BoJo

27 July 2019 5:05 pm

The fact that Boris Johnson is a seriously flawed scallywag is part of his charm. Like the rugged womanisers of…

The public service are about to be told: pull your weight

26 July 2019 2:41 pm

The unexpected May 18 election results sent a chill through the ranks of Canberra’s public service class. Now, the Secretary…

Why a treaty is no answer

26 July 2019 5:00 am

Australia, as with so many other Commonwealth nations settled by colonial force, has a difficult relationship with its Indigenous peoples.…

No knockout left hook from Mueller

25 July 2019 5:16 pm

The question I hurled several times at my TV during the six-hour-long Mueller hearing at the House Judiciary Committee yesterday…

No, school choice does not cause ‘segregation’

25 July 2019 1:28 pm

The mental gymnastics displayed by some people in order to blame freedom of school choice for Australia’s education woes never…

Trump or The Squad: who’s doing harm?

25 July 2019 10:03 am

The most insightful and quotable commentary I heard last week was made by Greg Gutfeld of Fox News. If you…

If there’s just one thing you need to read on climate science…

24 July 2019 3:44 pm

This could be it. None of the contents are new or original, but in this longer-than-an-average opinion piece, Bjorn Lomborg distils all…

By the light of the moon

24 July 2019 12:12 pm

The moon has been headline news for days. This is a strange phenomenon for our demur neighbour, whose nightly changes…

2018 Thawley Essay Prize winners

23 July 2019 7:02 pm

It is with great delight that we announce the winner and the runner-up of the 2018 Spectator Australia Thawley Essay…

A great crime, Their ABC-style

23 July 2019 10:53 am

No. An old-age pension couple who can no longer afford electricity didn’t burn coal in an attempt to stay warm.…

Do Facebook, Google and Twitter censor conservatives?

23 July 2019 5:00 am

‘Big tech’ plays a huge and ever-expanding role in our lives. Without a thought, we now trust platforms like Facebook,…

With woke corporates we soon won’t need elections

22 July 2019 4:18 pm

Non Cis-Gendered Individual Number One of the Canberra Cadre writes: Talk about ‘useful idiots’! CBD and his/her/zi GULAG fellow travellers…

About those person holes…

22 July 2019 12:29 pm

You would have read of another triumph of human progress from the city that has been a pioneer for so…

It’s not just Huawei…

22 July 2019 5:00 am

Australian politicians have recently started pandering to their Chinese constituents by embracing one of the largest social media platforms in…

Is there a Trump smear the left won’t stoop to?

21 July 2019 7:25 pm

Last week, the Channel Nine tabloids ran a column: Trump and Epstein partied and commented on women in 1992 video.…

Scripture sniping as The SMAge spouts the Good Book to foul Folau

21 July 2019 3:59 pm

John Tait has written an article for the Channel Nine tabloids, designed to bring clarity to the question Israel Folau…

It mightn’t be sexy, but manufacturing got us to the moon

21 July 2019 11:47 am

Almost forty years ago, in fact, during the time of the Hawke Labor government, Australia fell for a pea and…

Meet 007’s most fearsome enemy: a politically correct lack of imagination

19 July 2019 1:07 pm

The meh news of the week: Since Daniel Craig announced he was standing down as James Bond, debate has raged…

A religious freedom commissioner: not just worse than doing nothing, but the wrong thing

19 July 2019 5:00 am

Attorney-General Christian Porter intends to put the proposed religious discrimination bill to Parliament in the near future. Unveiling the government’s…

To save Western Civilisation, turn right

18 July 2019 1:54 pm

C S Lewis once observed that when you are going in the wrong direction, the thing to do is go…

How is it fair that unions pay no income tax?

18 July 2019 5:00 am

The ACTU continually complain that business, including small business, don’t pay their fair share of income tax. The complaints often…