Flat White
The making of a millennial conservative
I pre-polled early this year, as I will be out of the country on election day. Usually I can’t be…
CBD: it’s GULAG for government with SM stalled
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: After today it’s virtually over. CBD is emotionally exhausted. The worry, the panic of…
Election eve thoughts on the least worst of the least worst
High Commissioner to London George Brandis brings the election day charity sausage sizzle to the largest polling booth of them…
Why the special social media sensitivity come election time?
Destroying the careers of political aspirants has become a national sport and is a far cry from the role media…
The Electoral Commission’s big ‘bugger you’ to country voters
With breathtaking arrogance and scant concern for connection with voters in rural communities, the Australian Electoral Commission has deemed the…
Free speech, kicking føcking faces in and why Labor can’t be trusted on freedom of religion
The Greens candidate for the south Sydney seat of Barton, Connor Parissis, has been exposed for hurling abuse at Christians…
A Coalition victory is on the cards
There can be no doubt now that Bill Shorten wept profusely as he plunged the dagger, first into Kevin Rudd’s back and…
Now ScoMo goes the GULAG on ‘freedom’?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: With three days to go there is still the frightful prospect of SM campaigning…
If we still won’t talk immigration this campaign, here are some conversation starters
As (a nation of) immigrants, and descendants of immigrants, it appears that the Australian public has the following legitimate concerns…
How the ‘Australian Greens’ part is letting down the GULAG
While CBD’s confidence of a GULAG victory is growing by the day, one does need to express disappointment with the…
Israel Folau is a bloody footballer, not St Thomas More
When I was on Sky’s The Front Page programme the other night the topic of Israel Folau and his religious…
How the Coalition might still prevail
It’s generally agreed that this election will be closer than was expected before campaigning began. The main problem for the…
Shorten smiles
We’ve had a concentrated dose of Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten of late as they race for the Lodge, throwing…
Stay schtum, GULAGs: ScoMo’s Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will win it for us
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD has consistently been warning GULAG not to go overboard. The Fabian approach is…
Our hard-won prosperity – and how to keep it
The different rates of change in world income levels have provided Australia with a magnificent base on which to build…
A polling week reminder on the size of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions
Most politicians live in a green fantasyland where facts and numbers don’t count. They dream up fanciful figures for proposed…
ScoMo’s socialist housing policy: desperation and disgrace
On Saturday night, barring the biggest rebuff since opinion polls got it wrong with Donald Trump’s election as US president,…
CBD: The GULAG’s got this, so all must have prizes
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Election 19 is crawling to the business end. This time next week CBD predicts…
We don’t want Shorten to succeed, but Liberals to act like Liberals
The week in politics, the week to come: The final week of this meandering election campaign is upon us. The…
EXCLUSIVE: Kel Richards’ election dictionary
Puzzled by the way words are used in the election campaign? Here’s your handy cut out ‘n’ keep pocket guide…
Naive, nasty, noxious and negative: the Greens exposed
What do you think of when you hear the word “Greens”? If you’re a Lib, you’re probably already foaming at…
Israel Folau, Rugby Australia and how tolerant should we be of intolerance?
The Israel Folau case has brought up a crucial question our society has asked before, and will undoubtedly ask again.…
Time to drop the binary bulldust and proudly proclaim ‘Happy Acknowledgement Day’?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD reluctantly admits to some recidivist traits. One is love of parents. Given Mot—-…
Mothers Day and our bitter national custody battle
Mothers Day offers an interesting point of reflection for Australia this year. It’s a week before the election and Australians…
Mark Latham: back in the bullring, uncensored
This is the full text of the Maiden Speech of the Hon Mark Latham MLC presented to the New South…