Flat White
He’ll get by with a little help from his friends
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD knows it’s Red Shield Appeal week, but instead wants to say Thank God…
Israel Folau: the facts
There has obviously been a lot written on the whole fiasco involving Israel Folau and Rugby Australia, but the reporting…
CBD: Don’t Simon Birmingham and co know handshakes are bourgeois and condescending?
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: What is it about handshakes? GULAG supporters recall with horror the 2004 Latham /Howard…
A Latin-American libertarian speaks
Her speech is direct and precise. Gloria Alvarez says what she thinks, and does not seem to be afraid of…
CBD: If the hard right would just shut up we could all live in peace and harmony
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Activism is to be celebrated, as is making a stand. Indeed BS’s mentor (Scally…
Multiculturalism is the enemy of diversity
The American motto E pluribus unum (“Out of many, one”) expressed perfectly the founding intent to mould a land of…
Throwing eggs is free speech at its best, but Israel Folau peddles fear and superstition
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: It’s always pleasing when one’s opponents miss an opportunity. Especially when it is a…
Israel Folau: the kangaroo court has spoken
The kangaroo court has spoken. It’s no longer possible to be an Australian athlete and a confessing Christian. Yesterday Israel…
Three debate tips for ScoMo for tonight’s debate
Tonight’s National Press Club debate is crucial in that it’s actually going to be watched and not just reported. Not…
Steve Bannon is right: this election is boring
A few weeks out from the federal election is the perfect time to recognise a fundamental truth of contemporary Australian…
This weird, nerdy kid from communist Poland’s moment of economic revelation
Unlike some people, I’ve never had a religious experience, that moment of staggering clarity when one seems to connect with…
CBD:Convince on climate change for a climate of change
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: As the economic policies of the GULAG falter along with BS’s approval ratings it…
If Captain Whacky is setting China policy, we need to know
It is often said that not a great deal was accomplished in the 35 months Malcolm Turnbull was prime minister,…
Some coral just isn’t sexy enough for James Cook Uni and the Climate Inquisition
The First Finding handed down by Judge Salvador Vasta in the Peter Ridd court case concerned Bramston reef off Bowen…
Poor little rich boys, your average boy better beware…
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: What is it about some rich kids? They’re wonderful, aren’t they? Wallowing around in…
ScoMo’s enthusiasm just isn’t enough
The week in politics, the week to come. My five-month-old daughter Elizabeth loves music. Any music. Even my cack-handed piano…
Why the big miners turned green?
Big miners like Rio and BHP employ many geologists, chemists and physicists who can show that natural climate cycles have…
Jim Molan’s second surge?
In front of over 300 enthusiastic supporters at Balgowlah RSL today, New South Wales Senator Jim Molan made the case…
Creasey come, Creasey go
Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there He wasn’t there again today I wish, I wish…
Whatever happens May 18 Our ABC is ready to steer democracy
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Regardless of the verdict of the visionless voters in Election 19 CBD can confidently…
Why I love fossil fuels
I confess: I love coal and I love other fossil fuels, like unleaded petrol for my car. The truth is…
The GULAG cause is so worthy no criticism can be tolerated
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: The selfless activism of the Left has always been admired by CBD. Commitment to…
Why does a good bloke like Tony Abbott attract such vile enemies?
All those anonymously plastered up posters of Tony Abbott around his electorate of Warringah defaced with the c word, among…
CBD: the ABC is right not be bothered by the Great Humanitarian’s views on female genital mutilation
Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD’s staple diet for news on any matter is the balanced yet progressive, inclusive…
Forty years on: The Lady and her legacy
Australian voters love to complain. We’re currently in an election where voters are complaining about issues as diverse as climate…