Flat White
Why’s a libertarian backing state-sanctioned suicide?
This week, the Senate is considering giving a blank cheque to both the ACT and Northern Territory to introduce laws…
Facebook is not our friend
Facebook’s drive towards absolute transparency – of its users’ information, of course, not of Facebook itself – continues apace: Anyone who…
Antifa are the real fascists
The West has a plague of homegrown terrorists putting Islamic extremists to shame with their frequency and ferocity of attacks:…
Junk the Kings Cross injecting room
In Sydney’s Kings Cross, overdoses are almost non-existent, needles have vanished, and patient visits are the lowest they’ve ever been.…
How to guarantee the elderly and ill are seen as burdens
Former Senator Amanda Vanstone used her Fairfax column recently to advocate for assisted suicide and euthanasia legislation. We should note former…
All the news that fits the agenda
Three stories over the past few days should have been huge. Instead, two of them made just a passing blip…
Time to put free speech in the Constitution
I want your help. I want your help to give we the people the most important power there is, one that…
Euthanasia laws: inherently unsafe
A doctor was called to the bedside of a patient with lung cancer because she was in pain. At that…
What we can learn from tax cuts and Trump
The Trump administration’s liberalisation of the United States economy has seen growth accelerate to four per cent for the second…
The Great Barrier Money Magnet
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has become a money magnet for those with green political agendas. The climax of this green…
Do we have an ADF gender dissembler?
Forget about all the recent furore over the politically correct ‘They Day’ fiasco, where the approximately 10,000 staff of the…
Will climate change make you neck yourself?
To go with all the forecasts of floods, fires, pestilence and plague from climate catastrophists we have a new warning…
The renovation memory hole
Anyone hip enough to know inner-suburban Melbourne knows the Gatwick Hotel. It is (or was) that sleazy, abandoned, druggie flophouse…
Free speech on campus comes cost free – for Pirate Pete lefties
University campuses are supposed to be places of robust debate, places where a contest of ideas can be held with…
SHY’s victimhood card is declined
After tearful displays and fighting talk on The Project and anywhere else that would give her a platform, Sarah Hanson-Young…
Alex Jones and the new social media censorship
In the wake of Alex Jones’ banning from Facebook, YouTube and Apple the outrage has been palpable. And that is…
Vaping: why the status quo is not an option
If you work in the city, or in one of our regional town centres, you’ve probably crossed paths with someone…
The Ruby Rose Batwoman PC Comics special
Forget about the Australian Defence Force getting rid of gender-neutral pronouns, or the inequity of transgender athletes competing in sporting…
The Victorian Liberal Punch and Judy preselection show
Last week, the Financial Review highlighted how utterly underprepared the Liberal party is compared to Labor in contesting marginal seats.…
Blinkered self-publicist feminists aren’t helping violence
Self-publicist feminists have been keeping themselves busy churning out their gender biased myths about violence. On Monday Tracey Spicer wrote…
Free speech now comes with security costs?
La Trobe University is encouraging censorious behaviour by charging special security fees for an event with commentator Bettina Arndt hosted…
The gift of the far left
The far left elements of New Zealand are cheering and slapping each other on the back after successfully denying Lauren…
Guessing game population predictions are not good government
Australia’s population clock will tick over to 25 million today — more than 20 years ahead of schedule if we…
Tim Soutphommasane goes, the racism industry remains
As the term of the Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane comes to an end, it is worth reflecting on his…
“They Day” Mayday
The Victorian government has staged its latest attempt at imposing a gender-neutral newspeak on the public service. After subjecting public…